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He was already impatiently standing at the door, looking at the clock every minute and calling for me.

„Violette, where the hell are you?! I'm ready !"

I walked down the winding stairs slowly, he turned around with an angry look, which quickly changed into pure amazement when he saw me. So far so good.

„Can we go now? We gonna be late." he said in a rough tone.

„uhm, sure!" I countered.

We went to the car, but he didn't open the door to me as he had otherwise done. It was a quiet and unpleasant ride, which took about an hour. I dared to make him know some attempts that I wanted him, but he ignored it.

He stopped at a rest area for a short hand. This was the moment of reconciliation sex. „Hard and dirty in the back seat", I thought, but I was hugely wrong because he just wanted to pee ... ohye.

Half an hour later we arrived at the restaurant. We had only spoken the most necessary words with each other and still did. The waiter guided us to our table, where we sat down and leafed through the menu. I stroked his leg with my bare foot. No reaction. Fine.

I watched him. I literally stared at him, but it didn't seem to impress him.

Suddenly he looked at me. Deep into my eyes. Smilled briefly, looked aside and bit his lip. Ooh, he knew how much I liked that. Is he provoking me?

„Why are you doing that?", I asked without really wanting to.

"Punishment," he whispered and smiled.

„W-what? Why?", I stuttered

„You were a bad girl. Disrespectful behaviour must be punished."

I didn't answered but I like where this is going.

Sorry, this is my first time I write down my thoughts and I don't quite know where to start and stop. I hope you like it!
Lots of love ! <3

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