Suddenly our lab attender came to our class and whispered something to our mam.
"Ok.. There will be a department meeting at 12. Everyone must gather in seminar hall without fail."
She announced.
2 more hours of tension...

I don't know how exactly I pushed those 2 hours inside the class and finally the suspense was going to be unveiled. I sat at a safe corner since no one exactly wanted be near me.

"Good afternoon students. We asked you all to gather here on a short notice since Chiranth sir wants to speak to you about something"
Our HOD spoke first and exchanged nods with Chiru..... sorry it's Chiranth sir.
"Good afternoon everyone. I wanted to you talk to you about something important. So let me get straight into the point.
From past few days my personal life and professional life are getting mixed up and it's causing trouble to me and my loved ones. So I'm here to give some clarifications. As you all know, I got married in last December and my wife is Mrs. Shrinidhi Chiranth Rao, who happens to study MSc. Chemistry in this institution.
Me and my wife decided to keep our marriage for ourselves for our own personal reasons. So I don't know why there are problems arising because of that. My student being my wife is the not at all an illegal thing or any form adultery too. If you're worried that I'm being partial towards her, then you can ask any of the faculty members. I haven't been part of question paper making team nor do I assign marks for subjects that do not come under my classes.
All your practical marks or the theory internal marks are awarded based on your performance and not any kind of favoritism. So I do not want anyone questioning my professional ethics or my student's dedication. As an academic advisor and also as a family member I have seen her working hard for every single exams. So I don't want anyone tarnishing her efforts.
If you are still uncomfortable having me and her in the same campus, then I would willingly resign to my post and leave this college. But I do not accept any kind of derogatory comments or hurtful actions towards my wife and my student. I hope I have made myself very clear to everyone present here"
His long speech left me speechless.

"But whatever happened in lab is her mistake. She could have damaged someone's life. She needs to apologize"
I heard someone yelling at me.
"How about we check the CCTV footage of the lab if you're so adamant? Someone won't be so dumb to hurt themselves willingly inside the lab?"
He questioned back.
Wait.... lab had CCTV's?
"I still stand by my words and anyone with complaints can approach our HOD. That's all I wanted to discuss and you all may leave now. Thank you"

I wanted to talk to him so badly but neither do I have my phone nor I have a chance to talk to him face to face. When I went back to class and decided to text as it was already lunch hour. I texted him to call me or text me but I didn't receive any reply. He was not in the department too.
Why are you so angry Chiru...?
Why can't you talk to me?

My appetite was long lost, so I didn't touch my lunch box. After the classes ended I didn't wait for him and went back home. He was in living room but I ignored him and went to our room. I freshened up and started studying. I thought of applying ointments and in hurry, I literally pressed the cotton swab with ointment on the wound and it started hurting like hell.
Sobs and screams automatic erupted out of my throat.

"What happened?"
Oh someone knows I'm still living here.
"Nothing sir. You don't have to worry"
"Nidhi.... Show me your hand "
He came and sat next to me and checked my wound. It was bleeding slightly.
"You should have been careful Nidhi."
His concern on world tour was coming back.
"Do you still care?"
"What do you mean?"
He literally screamed.
"You didn't talk to me since morning, nor you replied to my messages. You didn't think of me before saying those things like giving up your career. So I'm asking do you still care?"
"Ok then.. You faced so many things since they got to know we are married. They tried to hurt you in different ways. Still you decided to keep things for yourself. Do you care about me Nidhi?"
"I did it because I didn't want to burden you"
"I did all these because I want to protect you and I have already told you too many times.... YOU are my priority. I can get a job anywhere else. I didn't clear NET for nothing."
"Then you're actually leaving JSS?"
"Who said?"
"You said you will resign at noon"
"I said if students complain then I'll resign. But as soon as I went back to department HOD talked to me and told me he will handle everything. Then why will I resign?"
Thank god he isn't resigning...

"You got me worried for nothing"
"You got me worried for so many days.. Whom shall I complain?"
"I didn't do it purposefully Chiru. I didn't want those things disturbing us"
"But it did disturb us. I can't see you in pain and stay silent. Please never maintain secrets in our relationship Nidhi. I don't want any misunderstandings in our relationship"

I hugged, he kissed and the misunderstandings from days came to an end.

He looked at me.
"I'm hungry"
"You didn't have lunch?"
I shook my head. To be honest there was a jumbo circus show inside my tummy because of my hunger strike. "You are a hopeless case Nidhi"
He went to kitchen and got me rice and curry.
"How did you know that I didn't eat?"
"Husband instincts"

He fed me as usual and after he freshened up had dinner we slept tight in each others loving embrace.
"Everything will be ok right ?"
I asked him as I snuggled close to him.
Everything will be fine. Don't worry. Now sleep like a good wife"
One more forehead kiss and I dived straight to dreamland.

Sometimes... all you need is a good and long conversation with your loved ones to make everything right.

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