I am watching the moon in the sky when a sound of a car is coming

"Satang!" Taehyung went out on his car he sounded and looks cheerful but I know better, his sad

He sat beside me, were on a hill- the same place where we first go

"Why did you called? I thought you said that we should let the issue past before seeing each other?" There's a hind of sadness in his voice making my heart ache a bit

"The moon looks so beautiful tonight right"I said, not answering his question

" yes, it looks more shinny" he said

I stared at the moon for a minute and turned my head to look at him, I hold his hand

"I'm sorry,"I whispered

" huh? w-what are you talking about?" He asked

"I know you're at hurt right now, you don't need to act like your happy" I muttered "you know that I love you right?"

I looked at him with a bloodshot eyes

"It hurts seeing you like that, I know how you love your fans, they're your life. I can't stand-"

"What are you saying Sana?"

"I don't want you to suffer more, I don't want to make it more hard for you, I think it will be better if we will just break up" I said almost a whisper, his eyes and nose is started to go red and in one blink his tears slowly falls

Tears are streaming down my face as I let go of his hand and stands, I was about to leave when he holds my hand

"Y-Your joking right?, Sana stop t-this okay you got me but pl-"

"I'm not joking and please don't make it hard for me, just let go.... Please" I plead, I want to hug him right now, our face is both wet because of our tears

"S-Sana don't do this,we can surpass this just please don't let me go"

"Taetae oppa.... I love you, but I don't want you to lose your career just because of me" I stopped talking  and wipe down my tears

"I don't deserve you, I will gonna be the reason of your downfall" I hardly swayed my hand causing his grip to loosen

I ran as fast as I could- stopping my self from turning back, I heard Taehyung calling my name but I went straight to the car where my other members is waiting


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