Chapter 1 - The Blue Jay and The Eagle

Start from the beginning

"H-How did you do that?! Was that.. Like.. Something coming from y-you?!"

Mysterious Guy — "Huh? Wait.. There aren't Conduits in your city? I thought you had!"

"C-Conduits..? What's...?"

Mysterious Guy —"Oh well.. Conduits are Super-Humans with abilities to absorb matters."

"...Super-Hum- W-WHAT?! THEY EXIST?!"

Mysterious Guy— "Yep, they do! And you're looking at one just about now!"

I don't know why.. But it was like.. I have a bit of hope when i look at him.. He surely sound like someone who could help me and my friends.. My idea was just one.. GET OUT OF SILICA CITY and no other idea. Surely, he could help me, i-i know that!

"Uhm.. Hey.. W-What's your name, mister?"

Mysterious Guy — "Oh! Well, people tend to get curious about me when i show up my powers but i tell them anyway.. Danvers. Luigi Danvers."

His name was Luigi.. A very unique name.. I mean, we had one guu called Marco, but this name sounds more out of this city..

"Oh.. Mister L-Luigi.. Could you help me with something..?"

Luigi — "Hm? Oh, alright, sure! What do you need?"

"Well.. Me and my friends are having some.. Issues.. I just.. Wanted to know if you had a way of us to get out of this city.."

Luigi — "Hm.. So you are a criminal too?"

"Huh-? N-No! I mean, it's just that.. I.. My friends need some help to get out of here to at least stay peaceful after what happened.."

Luigi — "Alright then.. Sure, i will help you! It will be a honour to do something for someone at least!"


I was surprised.. He was being so nice with someone he never met in his life.. Yet.. He was going to really help us. I just had to say one thing..

"T-Thank you..."

I smiled once again.. After so much that happened.. I finally smiled again.. Then, i hold his hand and lead him to where i first saw my friends before i left to walk.. He was curious about it.. And he smiled too.. I couldn't be less happier.. Then after some minutes of walking, i met my friends again.. Sofia.. Lamar.. And Theo.. When he saw Theo, he just got surprised but not scared..

Luigi — "EEHH??? Is this the Coconut Boy from the game i played? Holy moly, did you do that, miss?" He said, looking at me.. How as he not scared about it..? And why is he looking at me?

"U-Uhm, i mean.. Yeah, i did that.. But.. How do you seem like this is a normal thing?"

Sofia — "Uhm.. Tari, who is this guy? Where did ya meet him?"

Lamar — "Yeah. And it seems kinda weird that he doesn't seem scared of seeing a video game character in the real world."

"Oh, uh guys, sorry for his habit! Well, his name is Luigi.. Luigi Danvers."

Lamar — "Luigi Danvers.. Luigi Danvers... Wait- IS HE The guy that appeared in the news years ago?! With those weird thing of powers and creating angels and stuff?!"

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