"It's OK. I have forgiven you already."

"You forgive too easily, lil mama."

"Only you though."

Austin sighs, wrapping his arms around her and pulling her in tight. "Sleep now, I will sing about nothing," he says and then starts to sing softly. Goosebumps run up and down her body and his soft words hypnotize her thoughts. She tries to stay awake so this moment never ends but she falls asleep pretty quickly it's a mixture of anger and frustration that has taken its toll on her today. It may also be the fact that Austin's arms are wrapped around her and in them, she feels warm and safe. She knows this whole thing is ridiculous, toxic even. They leave early the next morning for Utah. Jonas keeps looking worriedly at Marli while they are sitting on the plane. Eventually, she leans over and thanks him for trying to soothe her last night, but it's all good now he does not need to worry about her. Jonas says she is welcome and that he does not think anything is good now, in fact, he thinks this is just the start. Of what? Marli does not know. She also gets a text from Noah saying that he would like to take her out on a date the next time she is in LA. It might be for the best. She is a loyal girl by nature. Maybe if she gets a boyfriend this weird boiling pot of emotions for Austin will die down. She replies that it's a great idea. Then when she is finally home she cuddles up with her dogs in the cave, it's all she needed to be honest.

A week later Austin is showing her an invite to some fancy charity ball. "Come on we are going to LA, I have a surprise for you," he says as Marli groans. She is back in her sweats and curled up in the cave with her dogs. She just wants to stay here. "Well, I am sorry to disturb this...whatever this is," Austin waves his hand over Marli and her dogs.

"A dog pile."

"A what?"

"A dog pile. It's what dogs do in a pack. They sleep in a dog pile."

"You are not a dog."

"If I had a choice in the matter then I would be."

Austin gives her a blank stare. Ok, she has stressed him enough for today. She untangles herself, showers, and changes into a presentable outfit then follows Austin to the car and finally onto the plane. She asks to see the invite and sees the party is a week away. "Please tell me we are not staying in LA for the week," she groans. Austin shakes his head. "No, we are just going down for this and then we will come home so you can climb back into your...dog pile," Austin assures her. She is not convinced though. Once they have landed they climb into an old-looking but well-maintained Chevrolet C-10. Marli knows it's considered vintage and calling it second-hand would rub Austin the wrong way. "With all your money and collection of fancy cars, why do you have some old second-hand rust trap?" she asks. Austin looks at her like she has just told him the world is flat. "You know better than that," he chastises. Marli can't hide her smile. "I just hope it gets us to where we are going. Don't want to be stranded on the side of the road with this heap of junk," she pushes. Austin rolls his eyes and looks back to the road. "Don't be smart," he grumbles and flicks on the radio. Johnny Cash filters through the speakers. Has he got everything set to country music? "County music again? That's all you listen to. Do you know anything besides country?" Marli asks and snaps off the radio. "Oh, I see you are in a mood today. Lil mama. I know all music, I just happen to like country the most," he says as he keeps his eyes on the road. "What about Billie Eilish?" she challenges and without a second thought he belts out, in perfect pitch, a few lines from one of her songs. Ok, impressive.

"Whatever. Oliva Rodrigo?"

Without missing a beat he starts singing one of her latest songs and he sounds amazing.

"Needs work. Taylor Swift?"

He changes his pitch and tone effortlessly and starts singing one of her better-known songs. Holy crap his voice is fantastic.

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