Chapter 15

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Xeraphina wakes up screaming as she starts to remember the horrors of being beaten and raped. Eir and Frigga come running in as Xeraphina sits up and starts sobbing and shaking. Frigga holds the frightened omega to help calm her down and Eir puts a sleep spell on her. Xeraphina slumps in Allmother's arms and she lays her back down. "It should last her until morning but someone should watch over her just in case. I'm guessing she is starting to remember everything and her recovery is not going to be easy." Eir says "Thank you Eir. She is like a daughter to me and I'll stay to watch over her. Get some sleep Eir that's an order." Eir bows and walks out. Frigga looks at the sleeping omega and says "Your life is not going to get any easier after this but you must always return to his side for you are the only one who can truly save him."

Xeraphina sleeps soundly through the rest of the night and well into the morning before waking up and seeing Allmother sitting by her side. "Morning dear. Now try not to move too much or you'll ruin your stitches and cause pain for yourself. Loki will also be here shortly." "Thank Frigga It's been a rough couple of days, to say the least," Xeraphina says before Eir and Loki walk in. "Your bandages will need to be changed first before you two can talk," Eir says before helping Xeraphina sit up causing her to hiss in pain. Loki turns around being the gentleman that he is so that they can lift her shirt to change the bandage. Moments later Frigga said, "We shall leave you two to talk."

As soon as the door closes Loki kisses her and she can't help but respond. He tangles his hand in her hair deepening the kiss causing Xeraphina to moan. An eternity seems to go by before they pull apart. "I thought I lost you," "But you saved me Loki, and brought me home," Xeraphina says while keeping her hand on his cheek. "But I didn't get there in time. It broke my heart seeing you in that state and the worst part is I couldn't help you." Xeraphina pulls him into a hug. "You defying orders and being here is more than I could ever ask for. Where do we go from here because I have a feeling that you aren't going to let go after this," Loki sighs and says "I would be crazy to let you go and my offer still stands on claiming you as mine and keeping it a secret. I could care less what my father thinks at this point. I think it's time to start living up to my title don't you think," "Only you would my god of chaos and mischief. So, when shall we begin?" Xeraphina says with a smile on her face and is glad that Loki is getting back to his old self again. "Well I think we should start with you resting first and I'll be back tonight to tell you my plan," Xeraphina pulls him in for another kiss before he leaves with a smile on his face. 

"I am going to assume you to made up then?" Frigga says and that only made Loki's smile bigger. "I would say we made great progress. I will be back tonight to check on her and chat a bit more." Loki says before walking away.

Xeraphina spent the rest of the morning reading and having her bandages changed. Everything was quiet and peaceful until it was about midafternoon when Odin comes barging in with Loki and Frigga right behind him. "Father she still needs to rest," Loki says trying to still negotiate with him. "She has been here long enough that I should have been the first one informed," Odin says. Xeraphina tries to adjust herself to bow but ends up hissing in pain as she feels some stitches open when she sits back up. "Odin, she is not going anywhere anytime soon. We can do this another time." Frigga says as she goes to attend to Xeraphina who is starting to bleed through her bandages. "I am the king and I will leave when my questions are answered. Now I want you to tell me everything you remember from the time you left to now," Odin says. Xeraphina goes through everything and leaves out the part Loki kissed her. Odin was satisfied with her answer and left without a word and Loki follows behind him. "Now let's get you stitched back up and I am sorry about his behavior," "Frigga it is alright he has always been cold towards me and I think I might be able to take it from here. You should go after Loki before he does something he regrets," Xerphina says while unwrapping the bandage. Frigga nods getting the hint that she is going to do something to heal herself quicker.

Once Xeraphina was left alone she put her hand over the bleeding wound and poured all of her sedir into healing it and screamed in pain as she felt her muscles and skin stitching themselves back together. By the time she was done, she passes out from using too much sedir and wakes back up when Loki comes back to visit her.

Loki walks in and sees Xeraphina and cleaning the blood off of herself. "Loki if you are here to lecture me that I was reckless on using that much sedir to heal myself you can save it. I have learned my lesson after passing out. Now to answer you from earlier yes. I can't keep living like this being so close to you but not being able to hold you or kiss you. It is also torture to see you with that prim and proper princess." Loki chuckles "I am hearing it correct that you are jealous?" "I am not jealous just don't like others touching what's mine. So we are agreed in 3 weeks we are claiming each other?" Xeraphina says in a hushed tone. "It would be my honor to be yours Xeraphina." 

The pair spent the rest of the time talking and laughing before Loki had to leave to attend dinner. Xeraphina gets up and is walking around when Eir comes in. "What are you doing you should be in-" "Eir relax I healed myself. There isn't even a scar left but it did take a lot of sedir to do." Xeraphina says before grabbing the plate and sitting down to eat. I want to keep you here for at least one more day to make sure your mind is sound after the trauma you have been through. After that, you should be cleared for duty," She nods agreeing to this. After she finishes her dinner and Eir grabs the plate and leaves to allow Xeraphina to sleep. She falls asleep easily after the tiring day she had.

A/N: Hi my lovely readers. Sorry for not posting much but life has been crazy with finals coming up. I will try and post another chapter tomorrow and also post my first chapter for my new book, The Captain and Winter Soldier.

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