Chapter 14

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Odin doesn't come to a decision with the war council the next day and Loki was done waiting as he honored his word to his mother by giving him a day. He is on his way to his morning training in the library with his mother but not in his everyday tunic but full battle gear. It was early enough that not many people were walking around the palace and so nobody questioned him. When he arrives he sees his mother already preparing a spell. "So I don't have to convince you to let me go. That makes that part easy." "You honored the day and you would have tried to do this yourself if I didn't help. A medical team will be waiting when you get back. Be safe my son." She hands him a piece of paper before hugging him. Loki walks through and is now on Vanaheim and uses what still remains of the bond to locate her.

He teleports to her location and what he sees breaks his heart, the love of his life is chained to the pole unconscious, bloody, bruised, and stripped of her armor. Luckily he sees no one around so he approaches her and checks her pulse which is still stable for now. He unlocks the chains using his sedir and picks her up in his arms and teleports back to where he arrived. He takes this time to check her wounds, the one on her abdomen is starting to look infected and the one on her leg still looks recent. He looks at the paper his mother gave him and it's a series of words which he repeats and sees a portal open up in front of him. He walks through with her in his arms again.

On the other side Frigga and Eir are waiting to attend to Xeraphina not fully knowing what state she is in. They watched as the portal opened up and Loki walks through with her in his arm and Frigga almost feel to her knees seeing the state she is in.

They quickly rush through the halls to the healing room where they check over her injuries and start taking care of her abdominal wound that was becoming infected but not before kicking Loki out so they could undress her completely. Xeraphina stirs awake as they start to cut away the infected tissue causing her to scream.

Loki spends this time pacing back and forth not caring that he has her blood on him. Drusilia comes walking up and says very formally, "Prince Loki, I hope you haven't forgotten about tea with my parents today." Loki sighs and turns around while knowing that he has forgotten in the midst of all the chaos. "I am truly sorry Princess. I did happen to forget. Some things came up that required my attention." "Why is there blood on you? Are you hurt?" Princess Drusilia says with concern. "No Princess, I am fine. Just a simple rescue mission for a close friend who was injured. Now I shall go quickly clean up before heading to the gardens for tea." Princess Drusilia accepts that answer and walks away and Loki looks at the door still hearing her screams as he reluctantly walks away.

What seems like hours go by and Xeraphina kept going in and out of consciousness during the whole process and was finally resting when stitches in her abdomen and a newly healed leg. They also healed all of the bruises but could do nothing about the fact that she was raped repeatedly.

It was around dinner time when Xeraphina woke up in some major pain and looked at Eir and said "I need to see Loki?" "I'm sorry dear nobody is allowed to see you until at least tomorrow. You have been some pretty traumatic experiences these past three days. I admire you even more now because nobody could have been as strong as you when you decided to sacrifice yourself. He really does care for you, he only left for a short period to perform his princely duties but has always come back and is still pacing outside." Eir says. "Could you please put him out of his misery and let him know I'm alive and as well as can be. Tell him to also come tomorrow morning as we have much to discuss." Xeraphina says and Eir nods in response.

Eir opens the door and walks out to Loki and bows. "My prince, I'm sure you will be pleased to know that we have done everything possible to heal her and she still needed some stitches because her wound was infected but should make a full recovery. I also need to inform you that we found evidence that she was also raped. She just woke up so we haven't told her yet. She wants to talk tomorrow morning and I think that will be the best time for you to tell her." Loki nods and quickly walks off to process everything. He could have prevented most of these injuries if he had gotten there sooner. It was his fault that she was in this pain and was now tampered with. He still loved her though more then ever because he doesn't know anyone who would have willingly sacrificed themselves the way she did. She said one of his best friends lives and some highly decorated men but also the way she tried to be diplomatic when others would not have. He knew what he was going to do and if it ended with him being banished then so be it but she was going to be his one way or another.

As the evening went out Loki and Xeraphina found themselves falling asleep thinking about each other in Hope's that tomorrow will bring more answers then questions.

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