Chapter 10

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                                                                                   2 months later

The weeks started to blend Xeraphina's once stubborn personality and the fire in her eyes have long gone. Whenever invited out she declines and spends her evenings in the barracks and on Sundays she spends far away from the palace. She avoids everyone especially Loki as she still can't be around him without wanting to take it all back. Today was different though she was assigned to guard inside the throne room as there was a big announcement to usher in the new year. She puts on her uniform and leaves the barracks before anyone wakes up for the day. She takes her post and stands there blank-faced and showed no sign of ever moving while the nobles and the common folk arrive. About an hour after sunrise Allfather and the others enter and she could see Loki was suffering as much as she was. His once mischievous smile that always remained on his face was now gone and his blue eyes that were once full of life were dull.  It took everything in her power not to run up to him and tell him that she didn't mean any of it. She wanted to run away with him and never look back if it meant that he would go back to being the same Loki she meet all those years ago. The scent of royal alpha's snapped her out of her train of thought and back to being blank.

The announcer says "NOW PRESENTING KING AESON OF ALFHEIM, QUEEN  CAULADRA, AND PRINCESS DRUSILIA." They enter with such poise and grace until they reach the bottom of the stair and yet again gracefully bow. "Welcome to Asgard, there is to be a feast held in celebration of the newly signed treaty and to announce the union of Prince Loki and Princess Drusilia." The Allfather says. Xeraphina's heart dropped and she wanted to escape from her but at least she knew why she was here. Allfather wanted to test her loyalty to want she agreed upon. 

After everyone left the throne room she went to the barracks to get ready. She had no desire to go but when orders come straight from the Allfather she had no choice but to listen. She changes into a white dress with bell sleeves, her hair in a side braid with white flowers, and a very natural make-up look. She had no choice in her outfit either, just another order for her to follow. She did have to admit that the white look matched her snowy white ears.

 She did have to admit that the white look matched her snowy white ears

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Her escort arrived to take her to the feast hall leaving her no time to process everything that just happened

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Her escort arrived to take her to the feast hall leaving her no time to process everything that just happened. She walks in and goes to the last seat furthest away from everyone with her escort sitting next to her. She planned to stay for dinner and then leave halfway through the dancing. The night went fairly okay but she had no appetite to eat when she saw Loki smiling and laughing with the princess. As soon the dancing started she left the hall and went to the stables. She quickly mounted her horse, Jade, and rode bare to her and Loki's secret spot they found once when they were bored. She didn't care if the dress got dirty because it was all a part of the Allfather's plan to let everyone know that she is unmated and that anyone could court her per his approval. When she arrives she hopes off and lets Jade wander knowing she won't go too far. Xeraphina sits down with her back against the Willow tree and cried and screamed. It wasn't fair that Odin took away her happy ending and Loki for accepting his fate so easily. She spends hours letting out all of the emotions she could never show.

She fell asleep as the crying took its toll on her and it wasn't until Jade nudged her that she realized the celebrations had just ended and it was time to go back. She hops onto her back and silently puts her back and teleports to in front of the barracks not wanting to face anyone in the dirty white dress. After doing her nightly routine and laying in bed she couldn't fall asleep knowing that Loki was probably escorting the princess to her room and giving her a kiss on the cheek. 

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