15 | The sexy voice

Start from the beginning

My mother had stroked my cheek that night as I lay dosed in the hospital and said, "Our blood runs strong, little one." It sounded like something from a medieval fantasy show like Game of thrones, but none the less my mother was and still is prone to say shitty family oriented shit like that. The next morning, I had asked her what her blood type was and since then I had known for sure.

I snap back to reality where I still stand staring at my tired reflection. The only thing that has really changed is my eyes, which look sadder and more lifeless than ever. Or maybe it is just morning grogginess. Who knows?

After staring at myself for a while, picking at a couple of zits, hopelessly trying to make them disappear, I hop in the shower to rub off the smell of old sweat and sticky crowded theme park. After using all too much time under the faucet I finally get out, dry myself off and walk into my room to get dressed. Blue jeans and a white tee shirt. Hair hanging around my face to dry naturally. Don't tell me I never make myself look pretty! (That's me being sarcastic)

Then it suddenly hits me as I pour cereal into a bowl for breakfast. Tom! Oh my god! Then one second later I have another realization, we start shooting tomorrow! The two bombs hit me one after the other as my brain suddenly out of the blue start working again. First of all, how could I have forgotten that I had run away scream from one of Hollywood's most eligible bachelors for a whole of four days! That must be a freaking record, I must I have Alzheimer's or something. Normal people don't forget shit like that. But then again my thoughts have been caught in the web of Jamie fucking, more than I care to admit.

I need to fix one issue at a time, I decide. I need to apologize to Tom, what mustn't he be thinking of me. After all he had been the perfect gentleman. He had done nothing wrong and then I had just run away like that, scream weird shit at him like a lunatic. I don't remember the details anymore.

After fixing my Tom issue I will move onto fixing my Jamie issue. Jamie will be working on stunts all day with Patrick and Evelyn, before the fight scene in the pandemonium and what not tomorrow. He can wait for now.

I pick up my phone to dial Tom, only to realise; I don't have his number... I sigh, putting my phone on the kitchen table before me. Merely to pick it up one second later, dialling my manager, Cassie Jones.

"Cassie Jones speaking," she says professionally as she picks up.

"Hey Cassie, it's Skye."

"Hey Skye? Is there a problem? Why are you calling me? Shouldn't you be rehearsing your lines? Has something gone wrong?" she drones already expecting the worst. With my previous career, I don't blame her.

"No, nothing's wrong," I interrupt her, "I just need a tinsy favour..."

"What Skye? What have you done?" she asks. She sounds like my mother, though nicer. Again I let it slide; it is not easy being my manager.

"Well, do you know what's being going on lately?" I ask.

"Yes." She just answers, like no explanation is needed.

"About Jamie, me and ehm... Tom?" I ask, trying to get to the point, while making sure she knew what I am talking about. After all there is quite a lot going on lately.

"Yes, I read the magazines Skye. Are there anything I need to know?" She asks; all business.

"No, it's just could you get me Tom's number?" I ask and she sighs into the receiver. She didn't waste time on asking me why I didn't have it already or what I needed it for. She is my manager, not my girl friend. She tells she will get it for me within the hour, after telling me not to do something to once again jeopardize my career. I tell her I was fixing it and that is that. The line is dead.

Looking for trouble | Vol. 2 | Jamie Bower fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now