chapter 1

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"Believe in what you feel inside,
And give your dreams the wings to fly."

"Believe" -Josh Groban


Each crunch of the tires over the icy snow lining the roads makes me jump a little in my seat. Paralyzing my heart for those brief seconds. As if the tires were crushing my bones, instead, each splintering break causing my grip against the door to tighten.

"Nat, darling, calm down." Niall flickers his eyes towards my rigid body.

It's not the weather that's bothering me, and it's definitely not Niall's driving, but I can't stop my knuckles from turning as white as the landscape ahead.

"I'm calm." I force out, my back pressed tightly to the passenger seat, vision locked firmly on Ni's thumb that taps the steering wheel in time with the song whispering through the radio. He always does that - taps his thumb along. Almost like it's his guitar and he's strumming silent chords with the leather wheel.

We're five minutes out from Holly Village and, for some reason, the closer we get, the more nervous I feel. Mountain peaks scatter the distance, draped in snow like dollops of whipped cream. It's beautiful - stunning, even. I'm sure the air tastes like Christmas, and I can feel the deepest part of me yearning for it. I squash down the quiet voice, focusing closer on the road ahead.

Don't forget to call and ask how Kiara did today.

Another item to add to the checklist...Niall's not going to be happy with me.

He tries to be understanding about work, and I know it's hard on him, but I need to work all of the time. I need to. I care so much about my kids, I just want to make sure that I'm doing my best for them. I hate being away.

As the speech therapist on the hospital floor, I see different children back-to-back throughout the day. It's like a constant spin cycle, revolving through my different little friends, trying to help them to communicate more effectively. I love it more than anything, and I adore each of my kids, but it is a lot of work. Taking a few days off for this trip was so hard because I don't want them to miss out on even a second of therapy with me. I know I have coverage, but it's just...different. I don't want to fail them. I don't want them to fail.

"Natalie?" Niall's voice butts into my thoughts.

Shaking my head, I meet his eyes, pausing for a moment to take in the collective sky behind his irises, "I'm sorry, what did you say?"

"We're here," he points towards my window, so I trail my gaze to the side.

Welcome to Holly Village, where any moment can be a Mistletoe Moment!

"Oh my gosh," I mumble, somewhat in awe, somewhat in shock, as a worker, dressed in a bright red apron and an elf hat, approaches the car.

Niall rolls his window down, accent warm and honeyed, smoothing out my frazzled nerves even though he's talking to somebody else entirely, "Hello, we have a reservation at Yuletide Inn. Where should I park my car?"

The worker gives him directions, voice whipping away in the breeze as it chills the space of the car. Niall thanks the man before rolling up his window, panting out a breath and shivering a little before driving forward.

"It's fucking cold out!" he harshly turns the fan up once he parks, hot air pouring out of the car vents.

Holly Village looks quaint and peaceful and everything I expected a Christmas village to be. Each worker is wearing some sort of festive Christmas gear and every corner is full of decorations. It's...perfect. Ni presses his lips against the side of my head, as if agreeing with my inner thoughts.

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