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Jingle bells ringing through the air, horse hooves clopping down cobblestone paths, pine needles like breadcrumbs painting a path back home. Holly Village comes alive in the winter - when the holidays start to settle inside of bones, faint Christmas carols swirling at the base of lungs. Like any good Christmas village, each light post is adorned with a wreath and a bright, red bow, each roof lined flawlessly with colored lights. Not a decoration is out of place, and every opportunity for a Mistletoe Moment is taken to its fullest advantage.

Natalie's built a home inside of Niall, just as Niall has built a home inside of Natalie. Equipped to survive any storm and set into a strong foundation, their homes are unshakable; they are unshakable.

Natalie's bright personality and kind heart meld perfectly into Niall's big dreams and wild ideas. Compliments of one another; two sides of a coin, a stack of three Oreos to dip into half of a glass of milk. Oat milk, of course - Natalie is lactose intolerant.

The couple have been together for three years and four months, but they both choose to say three and a half years when anyone asks. It's easier that way. It's easy to forget about time when you know you've got forever.

Time never existed to the pair, there was never too much or too little, never a thought about how much time might be left. Until Natalie graduated from school and picked up the hospital job. Now, there's not enough time in the day. One hour to get ready in the morning; thirty minutes to work; nine hours on the clock, factoring in lunch break; another hour prepping for the following day; a half hour drive home to her angel and the pups; at least two hours of documentation, and material preparation, and sending emails; one hour for dinner; one to prepare for bed, and maybe eight hours of sleep. If she's lucky. Leaving one total hour to devote to Niall - sometimes. Quite frankly, not enough time.

Natalie loves Niall. Niall loves Natalie. But it's been hard. They've both lost their way home.

Niall saw the advertisement for Yuletide Inn while leaving work one afternoon; a poster stuck to the front door of the office. Five nights' stay for the price of three and he knew he couldn't let that opportunity pass. So, he booked a trip. For some time. For some time with his Nat. For some time with his Nat without work.

Natalie loves Christmas - she always has. Lighting up like a little kid who just saw Santa Claus the moment she hears a distant ring of a bell. But with work taking up so much time, she's felt anything but festive. So, when Niall tells her about Holly Village, instead of rejoicing she cries. Sobs, even. Overwhelmed with stress and fear and too much empathy for her heart to manage. But she agrees anyway, despite his insistence on canceling the trip - because she knows that's what they need.

So, the couple packs up their suitcases, drives the dogs to grandma and grandpa's, and starts the journey to Holly Village.

Welcome to Holly Village, where every moment can be a Mistletoe Moment!

Natalie Rollins (25)

Natalie Rollins (25)

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Niall Horan (27)

Niall Horan (27)

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Hi! I'm so excited to bring you this little Christmas short story to celebrate the season! I've been holding this since September and, finally, she's here. I can't wait to share Nat and her angel with you!

Under the Mistletoe is only going to be four chapters long, just barely enough to constitute a short story, and full of cliches and sweetness. And a sprinkle of sexual content. Consider this your warning (as well as a warning regarding language use, and potential strong themes). As always, the characters I have written in no way reflect the face claims that were chosen to represent them - they are simply there to provide a visual for the miraculous human beings that exist in my head.


Thank you for being here, I love you all very much.

I'll meet you under the mistletoe!

Under the Mistletoe [n.h.]Where stories live. Discover now