chapter 4 ~Change

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Beyonce's POV

Yo Bey ! Earth to Beyonce!
Kelly said while clicking her fingers in front of me. "Who got my good girl Bey smiling like that " Michelle said. Is it Jerome !? Kelly asked in curiosity. "Maybe" I said with a smirk. "Ayo Bey! " Jerome yelled across the hallway.
Hey handsome. And I oop-👀
Come on Michelle let's give them some space . Kelly and Michelle gave us some space. Me and Jerome walked with each other to class . We talked about dreams , career paths , and just life in general. Eventually we had reached class and he unfortunately sat very far away from me . I really enjoyed our conversations.

***Hours pass****
"Soooo" Kelly and Michelle looked at me with great curiosity. "You and Mr creamy caramel are hitting it off lately" Michelle said with a smirk on her face. Yeah we are . Aha! You admitted it . Kelly exclaimed. Yeah he's a really cool guy. "Don't you mean a really HOT guy," Michelle asked. "Anyways girls I gotta go home" said Kelly. "Same here " me and Michelle said at the same time.
I finally got home to half of the furniture being missing.
Mom! Salonge ! "Relax sweatheart , we're just moving " said Matthew. I'll explain more when your friends Kelly and Michelle come over.
**Few hours pass and Michelle and Kelly arrive**
You wanted to speak to us? Kelly asked. Yes , this upcoming week will be your last week going to school. Matthew announced. Why , how and huh? I asked out of pure confusion. "Destiny's child is taking off and I mean big time ". Say my name is number 1 on the charts right now". Said matthew. So what does that mean for us ? Said Michelle. "It means that we are moving to LA where all the celebrities live." So kiss your friends goodbye and say hello LA".

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