chapter 3 ~ New born puppy love

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****extra information*****
Jerome is NOT Kendrick , Kendrick will come soon

Beyonce's POV


Today went quicker than I expected.

***Phone notification***

Hmm seems like an unknown number.

Beyonce: Hi this is the phone number of Beyonce Knowles and you are?

Jerome: hi it's me
Jerome: Jerome

Beyonce : oh , hi
Beyonce: how you get my number

Jerome: Kelly gave it to me

Beyonce : oh really now

Jerome : yup

Jerome : so to get the conversation going let's ask each other some questions and get to know each other

Beyonce : lol okay you go first

Jerome: mmmh what's your favourite ice cream

Beyonce : it will probably be butter pecan

Jerome : never heard of that before care to explain what is

Beyonce : well you see , Butter pecan ice cream is a smooth vanilla ice cream with a slight buttery flavor, with pecans added🙃

Beyonce : what's your favourite ice cream flavour?

Jerome : Caramel

Beyonce : Caramel like you ?

Jerome : lol I geuss so
Jerome : your turn to ask a question

Beyonce: What type of music you listen too

Jerome : I mainly listen to the Beatles and Nirvana

Beyonce : wait you actually listen to the Beatles

Jerome : yeah of course they my favourite
Jerome : what music you listen to

Beyonce : A mix of everything thing but mainly the Beatles

Jerome : what's you favourite album ?

Beyonce : Abbey Road. It's just a classic

Jerome : that's also my favourite lmao

***They spent the rest of the night speaking****

Beyonce: I gotta go to bed , see ya tomorrow

Jerome: see you tomorrow beautiful

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