Help Is On The Way

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I met up with Caesar, Luminous, and Miss Makoto, but Lumi was yet to be seen. We searched the beach and the part of the city we're in, with no luck. Even the tracker she had gone offline, probably short-circuited when she transformed into a dragon. We were currently on the run from HYDRA's men on the streets, trying to find a safe place to lay low. In the current situation, Miss Makoto is trapped in a burning building and I can't reach her. I could hear one of the gang members speaking, that they had found a beautiful silver-haired girl on the beach. I jumped down between the two members and crushed them to the ground.

"What the hell! Where did you come from?!" One of them shouted. I'm surprised neither of them is resisting. Either that or they are just incredibly weak.

"I overheard your conversation, who is this... silver-haired beauty you found? What does she look like?" I asked, hoping that it wasn't who I thought it was.

"I-I don't know her name, but she has a strange appearance. Horns and spikes, and deep blue eyes. O-Our boss is planning on selling her to HYDRA for an incredible amount. She's worth more than your bounty." The man said, the other was constantly trying to shut him up. I knocked the noisy one out, then looked at the boy telling me everything.

"Take me there, now!" I growled, my eyes flaring. I heard a gunshot and a cry of pain, I knocked out the young boy and tossed him over my shoulder. I saw that Luminous was on the ground, a pool of blood surrounding him.

"Get in!" A van with the word, Takamagahara, rolled up and a man with silver hair opened the door. I ran towards the van, jumping in and taking the boy with me.

"Who is that?" Caesar said, holding Luminous' shoulder with a towel. I shrugged and tossed him onto the ground.

"He's going to take me to Lumi," I said, glaring at him. Caesar chuckled softly, the darkness around the van grew, and so did my worry.

-- Hidden Warehouse --

Lumi was asleep in a water tank, an oxygen mask on her face. Bracelets mark her wrists and ankles, dampening her dragon powers. Her clothes were disintegrated from the toxic water she was in, her hair covered her. Two men stood by the water tank, Masumane Tachibana and the man who had captured Lumi.

"She's a real prize, I can't just give her to you for a low price." The man said, Masumane glared at the man, then placed a briefcase in the man's hand. The man opened it and found a lot of money, a lot of money. He looked at his assistant, she handed the remote to Masumane.

"I wouldn't turn everything off at once. We should wait until her body is recovered before you drain the water. I am a scientist, after all, the Lord needs to recover from her recent transformation." The man said, Masumane's eyebrow twitched.

"Of course, you know best. Call me when she's better." Masumane said, leaving the warehouse.

A few hours passed, and Lumi's condition didn't change. Her body was still unstable and she hasn't woken up from her coma. As they injected more medicine, they could hear a loud boom. It came from the front of their warehouse. The bodyguards ran towards the commotion, only to be blown back from an explosive force. A boy with black hair and golden eyes stepped forward, then another with blonde hair and blue eyes followed after.

"Y-You're those wanted men..." The scientist fumbled with his phone. Caesar shot a bullet into his phone, shattering it into small pieces. 

"Yes, and you have one of our friends. So release her." Caesar said, raising his gun again. The scientist stood in front of the tank, blocking Lumi from their view.

"No, she's too unstable to release her. You touch this water tank and you will die." The scientist said, shakily drawing his gun. His hands couldn't hold the gun straight, it was clear that the scientist couldn't kill someone.

"Listen, sir, I know that you've never shot anyone before. So please, put down the weapon and tell us what is going on with her." Caesar said, lowering his gun. The scientist nodded, lowering his weapon. Johann glared at the man, stomping towards him.

"H-Her body is still recovering from when she transformed. The Dragon Embryo in the sea changed her somehow, she needs to be kept here until she's stable." The scientist said, backing into the cold glass.

Johann looked at the glass and push the doctor away. He stared sadly at the unconscious girl behind the glass, putting his hand against it. Suddenly, the heart monitor began to freak out, her heart was giving out.

"Do something doctor!" Johann shouted, seeing the scared scientist.

"It must be a side effect from being underwater, don't worry." He said, touching a button. Her heartbeat returned to normal. He pressed a second button, then disappeared from sight. Her heart rate was slowing down fast, Johann knew he did something to her.

"Johann, we have company!" Caesar said, pointing his weapons at the intruding men. There were more than thirty of them, and the two boys had to fight them off.

Then, the lights flashed red, even the opposite men stopped to look. Johann could hear Lumi struggling to breathe, he turned around and saw her body was jerking violently, she was trying to wake up. Then her eyes shot open and she punched a hole in the thick glass. The water drained out, and steam poured out as well, or it was cold, like dry ice. She broke more of the glass, stepping out of the tank like an alien. The dry ice look drifted from her body, she was like a monster. The men became nervous, and the two boys stepped away from Lumi. Her eyes met with Johann's, a sense of relief passed over her face. He knew it wasn't her.

"Who are you?" He asked, she smiled a bit, two fangs became apparent. She reached out to him, taking his chin between her fingers.

"I'm the dragon inside Lumi, to be honest, I quite like you," Lumi said, her voice sounding echoey.

"I see, so where's Lumi?" He asked, smacking her hand away. She looked at the scared men before her, they were looking her up and down.

"She's resting, if I didn't take over her body when I did, she would have died. She succumbed to the Dragon Lord's call, it almost destroyed her body. Luckily, it did release my soul." Lumi said, freezing the men in front of them.

"Release her now," Johann said, glaring at the Dragon Possessed Lumi.

"I can't, didn't you hear what I said? She'll die if she's let out so soon, the scientist was right. You, Johann, should listen to when you're told something important." She said, poking his chest. Johann was about to say something, but Caesar cut him off.

"Why don't we cover you up? I'm sure that we would both be pleased not seeing our friend's naked body." Caesar said, throwing a coat over Lumi. 

"I'll be returning to my sleeping place inside her. She'll be asleep for about three days, wait patiently." She said, as she fell limp into Johann's arms, fast asleep. He picked her up, making sure that coat covered the extremities, then carried her out of the warehouse.

"This is annoying," Johann said, looking at the glowing symbol on Lumi's forehead. Caesar looked back at him, hiding his disbelieving face. Right now, Johann didn't even know that he had a smile on his face.

You can say that all you want, Johann, but even you can't hide it. Caesar thought as he opened the car door.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2021 ⏰

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