{2} Laughing on the Inside

Start from the beginning

"I don't think you should answer the door." Milo says, standing up to open it for me.

I roll my eyes and push past him. I cant let them take control of everything.

I open the door just enough so the person on the other side cant see inside my apartment. It's a man, early twenties I'm guessing. He is wearing a repair uniform and is holding a box of tools.

"Hi, maintenance sent me up to check if the furnace is running." He says.

I look at him carefully and notice him shifting between feet. He cant hold eye contact and one of the tools in his box look an awful lot like a gun.

"Oh, I wasn't expecting maintenance." I comment, watching the guy shift uncomfortably.

"The order was just se-"

He was cut off by my fist.

I sucker punched him.

He stumbles back and drops his tool box. He brings his hand to his now I'm sure broken nose and glares at me.

"You b*tch!" He yells, coming forward to attack me.

Ooo too slow, I dodge his punch but a curious Odin came forward and clearly didn't see what was happening. Needless to say, he took the blow.

"Sh*t" Odin holds his nose, glaring at the guy.

The guy widens his eyes at Odin and starts running down the hallway. Odin takes after him and Milo is now on the phone, pacing in my apartment.

This has been quite the eventful day and it's not even noon.

I close the door and go back to the stove where my eggs are cooking. They nearly burnt but luckily I came in time to save them. I place them on my toasted bread and take a seat at my table. I tune out Milo's rambling and eat my toast.

I did make an extra few eggs for Odin but he is currently occupied it seems.

"No." I start listening to Milo's conversation, "She's fine yes." He paces, "Odin went after him, I didn't recognize him." Pace, "American it seemed." Pace, "She insisted." Pace, "We'll be there in a minute."

He hangs up the phone which I'm grateful for, the pacing was making me dizzy.

"We have to go Amren." Milo looks at me, making me raise my eyebrows.

I look behind me to see if I have a clone because I know this man is not making demands to me.

"I'm sorry," I look back at him. "Who are you speaking to?"

"You, we have to go now." Milo says with urgency.

Goodness me, that would take effort.

"I don't know you, why would I just up and leave?" I ask, thinking this man is crazy.

"Because I'm your brother." He reaches for my arm to help me up but I elbow him in the stomach.

He doubles over in pain, coughing a little and I stand up on my own. I look at him and he gives me a confused look.

"I'll go, just keep your paws to yourself."

"Got it." He says in a pained tone, standing up straight.

He leads the way to the door and opens it for me, still holding his stomach. I walk out and Milo takes the lead again, walking towards the stairs in a fast pace. I have to nearly jog to keep up with him. He opens the door for me again and I notice he's quite the gentleman. He basically runs down the stairs and I keep his pace as best I can.

When we enter the lobby, I see Odin out of breath and he walks up to us.

"Anything?" Milo asks.

"He outran me and had a getaway car." Odin replies, finally catching his breath.

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