17. When You Cook For Him

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Hello you beautiful pomegranates! Remember to nourish your bodies with water and nutrients - you deserve it! :)
As always, comment any suggestions! <3

Asra: As you waltz into the dining room, presenting him with a plate of exquisite cuisine, he claps his hands, beaming at you as though you had just handed him the whispers of a star in a bottle.
"Y/n, this looks lovely! Thank you." his praise is generous, and presses a tender kiss to your forehead as you lean down.
You often take turns in cooking as he enjoys spending time in the kitchen; some evenings you will cook together.

Julian: Undoubtedly, he will offer to help you - afraid that you will hurt or over-work yourself - but, after several expostulations, he will surrender, taking a seat at the kitchen table to watch.
How lucky I am to have such a marvelous lover! Whatever did I do to deserve her? He muses, cheeks reddening as you look over your shoulder and flash him a warm smile.
Some days, you will utter songs as you prepare the meal, and Julian will accompany you, belting out the chorus and sweeping you into his arms, dancing with you around the room.
When you, at last, present him with the meal, he will - adopting his habitual dramatic tone - say, "Why! What a fine delicacy I do see before me."
He pauses, waggling his eyebrows, "And the food looks good, too."

Muriel: Having elapsed the day doing chores, eg cutting logs, tending plants, he returns inside as the sun begins to retreat behind the far hills.
Wordlessly, he slips into the kitchen, startled when he finds you cooking. He gently, so as not to alarm you, wraps his arms about your form, mumbling, "You don't have to."
When you give him a plate of food, he is appreciative, laconicly but genuinely, complimenting your skill. After dinner, he ushers you out of the kitchen to tidy up for you.

Lucio: Not a chance. The finest chefs in all the world re employed in the Palace for you. My darling y/n shall not lift a finger! However, when you insist that you can - and will - cook, he chuckles, muttering lasciviously that he knows something that you could cook, before gesturing to his "sausage" (sorry but bahahahaha love our horny goat man).
Before-supper sex is common, as Lucio insists that even the greatest cuisine in all the land will not satisfy is appetite as you will.

Valerius: Dinner is always appreciated, as by the time that he is home, he is usually too tired to cook. After the meal, he will kiss your forehead, thanking you and elaving to fetch some more wine.

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