The Suit

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Kara puts on a special suit for Lena p.s. I have no idea why I wrote this!

Kara studied herself in the full-length mirror. This felt good, strange but also very good. Despite what people thought, mostly Alex and her friends, she wasn’t as oblivious as they all probably thought she was when it came to women. In fact, she had noticed and remembered quite well how Lena had looked at her that day the CEO had marched into the CatCo offices with an armful of red roses to stake her claim. And since she'd deduced that Lena liked seeing her in a man’s shirt and a jacket it was only fair that she'd indulge her girlfriend’s desire in that regard further. Thus, calling in a favor or two, she’d ordered a new suit to be tailored for her. Not a super-suit, but a real suit.

Buttoning up the blue waistcoat of her newly acquired three-piece suit she grinned at her reflection. It was of the same blue color as her Supergirl suit in fact and that was by design. Lena would love this and hopefully be suitably shocked. Fixing the red tie which she’d picked out because matched the color of her cape, she adjusted the knot. When it had come to tying the actual knot, YouTube had been a big help and she decided that she might write an article about it later.

Taking her hair and pulling it up into a tight bun, she then fixed the golden cufflinks that adorned her pressed white shirt. With her hair done up and cufflinks ermm cufflinked she looked at herself from the front and the side smoothing the shirt and vest down over her breasts. The pulled-up hairstyle looked good she decided and putting on her thin-framed glasses she took a deep breath. What she was planning to do would be a first for her, and she didn’t want to mess it up.

“Miss Luthor, I’m here to pick you up for our date,” she said, practicing sounding more like Supergirl while being Kara Danvers.

“Hi, I’m here to take you out,” she said, testing out another version of the line, and tried making her voice a little bit deeper.

“Lena, would you come with me please?” she asked in an even deeper voice but then broke down into giggles.

Shaking her head, she pulled on the dark blue jacket that completed the look and buttoned one of the buttons before deciding against it. Leaving the jacket open, she carefully folded up the matching red pocket square and stuffed it into the breast pocket of the jacket. After a bit of a fight with the crimson piece of silk, she finally got it the way the YouTube tutorial had said it should be.

“No big deal, picking up Lena in a suit that’s all,” she reminded herself and sat down on the bed. A bed she’d shared with the green-eyed genius on three occasions already and the sheets still smelled of Lena’s perfume and other aromas. Blushing at the thoughts the smells aroused she cursed her stupid super senses.

Pulling on a pair of dark brown shoes over her red socks, she laced them up tightly and began giving them a good polish because she wanted to look her very best for Lena today. The raven-haired CEO had been so good to her over the past few weeks and even though they were Facebook-Official now, which had freaked Alex out, she felt like she owed the woman a grand gesture.

Finishing polishing up the shoes she grinned at the memory of Alex showing up at her apartment the morning after she and Lena had made things official. In Alex’s defense, her sister couldn’t possibly have known that Lena would be standing in the kitchen in only an old worn and stretched out Midvale High t-shirt and with one sock on and to Lena’s credit she wasn’t fazed at all when Alex had pulled a gun on her. Speaking of stretched out t-shirts. Oh yeah she loved that her girlfriend was busty!

Her calling from the bedroom for the raven-haired beauty to get her fine behind back into bed because she wanted seconds. That had in Alex’s words scarred her for life and no amount of good whiskey, graciously provided by Lena, could erase that memory from her sister’s mind.

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