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Me and Austin were bonding more than usual this summer . actually I was suppose to be bonding with me brother not Austin .

Today we were suppose to go the beach and for my luck all boys were going and I was the only girl . see this is what I meant,

Frankie and

See I'm the only girl. this is going to be fun. we hit the road in like 1hour so I have enough time to get ready we were talking about this all day until, Austin was like "lets just go and stop dreaming." So now me and Frankie are now trying to look through all the mess we have in each others room for a bathing suit.

When I was finally ready I had my hair down ha da black tight crop top, white cardigan, black shorts and some sandals to top it all off black sunglasses.

When I was out there was Frankie in some swimming shorts and two towels he also had his phone all shoved up in his face which means he hasn't noticed I was there.

"Ready?" I asked startling him

"Geez ,Becky you could have at least cleared your throat."I rolled my eyes at the idiot of a brother I have.

We stepped out of the house and all the boys were already ready outside with towels and shorts and and some without and with white shirts.

Finally when they noticed we were standing outside everyone stared at me, I felt a light blush creep up on my cheeks

"God boys close your mouth a fly is going to get in" I stated they all noticed thy were staring and turned around, I smiled to myself that I've made themselves blush.

Austin came over and whispered into my ear "you look good today" as he said it,it send shivers down my spine, he smiled and walked away, damn such a flirt.

We were all in the car Austin took Robert, Zach and Alex in his Range Rover and I went in my black Camaro convertible with Frankie.

As we arrived a lot of paparazzi were already there. as we got out all of them bombed us with pictures we all turned to look at Robert that was hiding behind everyone

"Did you have something to do with this?" Austin said raising his eyebrow

"Um no,kind of,maybe"Robert said in a low voice

"Ok ok thanks Robert for telling the whole world" I said making sure all the words are dripping with sarcasm

" So the days over then "Alex said throwing his SnapBack off his head to the floor

"Wait lets just go rent our own spot of the beach" Austin suggested

"Won't that cost to much"i said

"It's my money Becky and I can spend it on whatever and whoever" he stated

"Fine" I huffed

The rest of the day went on we watched the sunset the boys played beach football Austin got sand in his mouth while he partner in crime Alex,was laughing his ass off.

I though that this day was going to go good but it actually went out great.

As we headed out Austin was giving me a piggyback ride and the rest of the boys were asking for one because their feet hurt and they were Literally dragging their feet.

I laid my head on Austin's shoulder sometime I think why can't we be more than best friends like you now......

"Earth to becky" Austin said taking me out of my thoughts and dropping me to the floor

"Huh.?" I asked

"I was saying if you would like to go with me to the movies tomorrow with me but ...I noticed you were thinking about it like you didn't want to go.....but"he kept on rambling

"Austin slow down and Ya I'll love to"i said happily

"And then.... wait you want to go" he said

"Duh isn't that what I just said"i started giggling at his face he was like "really" with big eyes....his eyes were happy like the smile that tugged its way to his face.


We were both being honked we didn't notice everyone was in the cars already, and to top it all off they were all smirking. my brother too in my car

"Bye see you Tomarrow" Austin whispered and ran to his car wow so childish

I ran to my car started the engine and hit the road

"So what did he say?" Frankie asked

"Nothing that we were going to the movies"i said casually when inside I was exploding with excitement

"Oh were going to the movies"

"No I meant as in 'we' ME and AUSTIN" I answered

"Oh, so it it ok if I invite rob and Alex over tomarrow?"he pleaded me and made big eyes

Ugh I couldn't say no to his cuteness of my brother

"Fine" I gave in "but..if you guys make a mess the next freaking morning your going to be cleaning the whole house BY YOURSELF"i stated

"But..why can't Robert and Alex help clean if THERE is going to be a mess"

"Well first off it is your house and you have to keep It tidy and second your fault for encouraging them to keep making a mess". I answered back. he kept quiet which made me smile at my satisfaction.

We arrived home and went straight to the shower as I finished changing into sweats and a tank hair was up in a messy bun. I ran downstairs to the kitchen to get a water bottle and was already on the first step when the door bell rang I sighed and opens the door.

"hey" Alex said

"Hey, what's up?

"Nothing just brought you your sunglasses you dropped them when Austin was giving you a piggyback ride" he said handing me my glasses

"Oh, thanks I didn't even notice I didn't have these"i said referring to the glasses

"Ya no prob so I was wondering if you wanted to go to the park with me tomorrow?" He said scratching the back of his head

"I'd love too..."his face turned into a smile
" But.." then into a straight line "I already have plans with Austin tomorrow" i said disappointed

"Oh well that's cool, see you around then" and with that he turned around and went to his house

Talking about Austin I should call him

"Hey austin"

"Hey Becky what's up"

"Nothing I was just wondering what time are we going to the movies?" I asked

"I don't know what about 12:30 so we can have lunch, then head out to the movies and I was thinking of taking you shopping"

"Sounds good with me were going to have fun tomorrow, ok then goodnight Austin"

"Goodnight becky"

I was still thinking about being more than friends.

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