Friends Reunited

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"Please let me in. I'll explain everything. I promise." Sirius pleads. i take a step back to let him inside.

"Let me ask this one question first." I say. "What the hell are you doing here? And how did you escape Azkaban?"

"I transformed into my animagus form and since it's an animal the dementors can't detect me. And i'm here because i need your help. Do you have yesterday's newspaper?"

"Y-yeah why do you need it?" i ask while picking it up off the counter.

"T-this family do you see their rat?" he asks pointing to Ron and the rat he's holding in his hand.

"Yeah that's my nephew and his pet Scabbers."

"No it's Peter."

"Pettigrew? But that's impossible he's dead."

"Let me ask you this. Do you know how long they've had him?"

"No i haven't talked to them since recently."

"Okay nevermind then. Take a look at the rat's foot. It's missing a finger." Sirius says. "The exact one that was left when Peter 'died'. It can't be coincidence. That rat is Peter!"

"Okay Sirius I believe you. And I know you're innocent of the whole other thing about James and Lily." I say. "You're right about Peter. I had seen him a few times at meetings."

"What why didn't you say anything?" Sirius demands.

"I tried Sirius but then things with Regulus happened. I-" a sob shakes my body and Sirius wraps me in a hug, his face softening immediately. 

"Oh Mags... I didn't- he meant alot to you didn't he?"

"Sirius. I have to tell you something."


"I was with Reggie when he died... But I've been having these dreams... I don't think he's dead." I say.

"What are you talking about? What do you mean you don't think he's dead?"

"My dreams are memories or premonitions Sirius not some weird fantasy stories." I say. "Anyways, Regulus says the same thing every time and with your help we can find him. And I can help you find Peter. I did get a job at Hogwarts..." I smile.

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