here comes the, very reluctant, bride

Depuis le début

"What! Tell me!"

"What if we tell them we're expecting? Then they'll have no reason not to marry us. We live in a Catholic dominated country, the citizens would go berserk if they hear of an out of wedlock heir to the throne" Carrie says quickly, taking a steep breath afterwards to catch herself.

My eyes widen as the idea dosent sound to bad. "We've done worse" I shrug. "Only thing is, we'd need some kinda pregnancy test"

"Oh" Carrie laughs, "I got that covered"

"YOU'RE PREGNANT?!" I shout as I look at the test infront of me. Yup. Pregnant. Two pink lines sitting in that white plastic stick. The ultrasound photo with the nine week old fetus taken yesterday sitting in my other hand.

Flynn and Reggie laugh as they awkwardly smile, "We didn't necessarily want you to find out this way but... ba da?" Flynn chuckles as I pull her to a tight hug.

Flynn doesn't look pregnant. She's not showing. She just looks like normal but there's a fetus in there for sure. I mean I'm sure she wouldn't start showing till a quarter way through.

"Well this makes our plan ten times easier" I look over to Carrie who's laughing her ass off, "I thought you were going to tell me you and Riley are having a kid"

"Not now. Evander dosent need an heir at the moment. I'm still fit to be Queen" She scoffs, leaning back against the couch in the visitors room.

I hug Reggie as I sigh, "Let's get home shall we?"

Reggie looks over at Flynn with a small smirk, "Actually, we brought home to you"

"You don't mean-"

The door to the visitors room opens and in comes King Trevor and my father. I quickly pick up the test and shove it and the test in my pocket.

"Father!" Carrie exclaims in surprise. She doesn't have the best relationship with him but she hasn't seen him since she was dropped off in January.

"We should get going" Reggie laughs, standing up to make room for the Kings. "Mitchell, Trevor" He nods towards his fellow Kings.

"Reginald. How is your family doing? Your country?" My father tugs at his past.

Reggie tightens his jaw before releasing a breath, "We're perfect. Thriving actually. We just passed a new bill towards minimum wage. Now if you don't mind, our country can't run itself so we must get back" His hand rests on the small of Flynn's back.

"Of course. Being a Duke couldn't be easy" My fathers smile is to evil.

"Hey Mitch, why don't you just tear up your invite to my Coronation" Reggie smiles as he and Flynn leave the room.

"The nerve on that boy" Father mumbles as he sits down.

Trevor rolls his eyes at my father before he sits down beside him, "We hear you kids have news?"

I nod as Carrie looks to me, taking my hand in hers. "Papa, Mitch, I- both Luke and I care about you guys so much. You're our fathers, nothing can replace that" She smiles wide. Her arms circling around my bicep.

"And on the topic of fatherhood. We have news" I kiss Carrie's forehead as I place the test and ultrasound down onto the table infront of us.

The two kings look at us then down at the evidence of our 'baby'. "You two-" Trevor waves his finger between us.

"Papa please don't be mad. Just- Luke and I are in love and- and this baby could be a real push in the unity of our countries" Carrie pleas, looking up to me with a glimmer in her eyes. Her hand ruffling up my styled hair.

the duchessOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant