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a/n : italics is Peggy's dialogue and non-italics (i dont know what to call it) is Steve's dialogue.

It's been 5 years since "the Natasha incident". No one really talks about it, it's a forgotten memory now. Its 2007 ahhh 2007 a lot of things happened during that year, debut of the iPhone (which would take the world by a storm), Britney Spears shaved her head, Mad Men premiered (great show), knocked up was released, the man of explosions Michael Bay came back with the second Transformers movie and remember Fantastic 4: Rise of the Silver Surfer... yeah well that happened too. Again that's not why this was an important year in Steve's life, this was the year he met her, and she was the one who taught him an important lesson. 

 Steve met her in the most unusual of circumstances. It was the first day of his second final year (yeah he failed). Steve was no longer the poor wallflower, that boy is dead. Nowadays it's the popular bad boy Steve that shows up. First day meaning he gets to perform his birth right as a senior – "ragging the freshmen."

Whilst ragging 2 freshmen, he saw a sweet girl in a pant suit. 

"Hey you in the pant suit come here! What's your name?"

"Hi I'm Peggy, Peggy Carter." 

 "Which course?" asked Sam. (Yeah trio is still together!)

"Oh I'm not a student. I'm here to teach. I'm a guest lecturer here."

Different versions of "oh shits" and "oh damnits" came from trio. But Bucky was the first person to grovel and asked her not to report the incident, to which she gladly agreed.  

 Small time skip  

It was time for class or the boys would like to call it 'nap time'. As Steve was about to get his 'much needed sleep' he couldn't believe what he saw, more like who he saw. 

 The moment he saw her walk into the class he swear he saw a cupid's arrow strike his chest. But what he didn't notice but she sure did was the hip flask in his hand.

He felt like he was in heaven when he saw her approaching him, alas it wasn't for her to confess her love for a student (namely, Steve) she met less than an hour ago like he wanted but to reprimand him and the boys for bringing alcohol into the class. 

The trio was obviously kicked out and as they were leaving Steve stayed behind and called out for her, "Hey MS. Carter, please don't think I'm saying this because I'm drunk. You are so very beautiful." (That's exactly what he said and he was drunk but he meant it.)

 That was a start of a beautiful relationship


 It's been almost 6 months and Steve still believe it's true. He has Peggy's number. Yeah he is past that 'MS. Carter' point in their relationship, its Peggy now. Steve still can't believe how he managed to make her give her phone number to him.

It doesn't matter how... all that matters is the fact that he got the number and now they talk and text almost every day.

When people ask them 'what are they?' they are almost speechless and don't know what to tell others, but they don't care. As long as they get to talk to each other that's all that matters. 

Steve is smitten would be the understatement of the century and he is pretty sure she feels the same way too. But he never got the chance to have an actual conversation about it. Something always came up – it was mostly Steve's nerves. 

The only time he thought about Natasha in thepast five years was now. The only times when he thinks about Natasha is when hefeels out of control and insecure. That was one those day and it was because ofone man – Daniel Sousa.

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