Mirror in Law

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Marian had never made a secret of her disapproval of Sarah, her daughter's choice in husband. Sarah was her only child and she only wanted what was best for her, Jason just wasn't it. He was an artist, a musician she had met in college. Always writing songs, trying to get a breakthrough as he wrote, composed, played or just listened to music for inspiration. She was convinced he had no chance of succeeding and was just throwing his own and Sarah's future away chasing a dream.

At first when she had introduced Jason who she had met at college Marian hadn't been too worried. It was just a phase. Sarah was still young and college was a time of experimentation. Sure she would see reason that this dreamer with his long brown hair and bright green eyes wasn't the guy for her.

Once they got engaged right after they both graduated however worry did start to set in, would Sarah see reason before it was too late? The answer had turned out to be no as she and Jason got married a year later. With that Marian had set her hope on Jason changing and becoming the husband Sarah deserved, but now four years later they were both 26 and Jason hadn't matured a bit, he was still that dreamy musician from college who thought he would make it big.

Jason for his part had never liked Marian either, in his eyes she was just his bitch of a mother in law who always looked down on him urging him to give up his dream and take his duties as a husband seriously. Leaving the two of them together unsupervised for longer than a minute always ended in trouble. Jason wanted to get along with his mother in law, for the sake of his wife and the sake of peace. The respect had to be mutual for that to work though.

At every family get together and every time Sarah's parents visited or they visited them, Sarah had to be the moderator between her mother and husband. She constantly urged them to get along to the point where it was nearly all she said anymore. There was only one point they both agreed upon and that was that unless the other radically changed their ways they would never get along.

It frustrated Sarah beyond believe to the point where she just tried keep the two of them apart as much as possible. Since she obviously chose her husband's company above her mother's it translated in her visiting her parents way less and always finding an excuse why it wasn't possible for them to just pop by when they wanted to visit.

If anything it only soured her mother's view on Jason even more. Not only was he ruining the future of her daughter, he was also taking her away from her. It was something she just couldn't let happen and so she came up with a plan that would change everything. With a cheeky smirk she got to work, refining and readying her plan to strike.

Chapter 1

Sarah had only just left the day before on her annual week long reunion trip with her college friends when Marian decided to make her move. Jason as usual was down in the basement working on his music. He loved spending time with his wife, but whenever she was away he went full out for his music. He was so wrapped up in a writing session that he almost fell off his chair when the doorbell rang snapping him right out of his concentration. Who could that be? All his friends knew not to disturb him when he had the house to himself. A little annoyed Jason headed up the stairs and to the door.

Big was his shock when he found Marian at the other side of the door wearing one of her regular monochrome designer jacket and skirt sets like she always did. No matter where Marian seemed to go she was always dressed and made up to the nines. She might be 53 right now, but objectively speaking she still looked great for her age and that meant a lot coming from Jason who hated her guts.

She was most definitely at the curvy side of the spectrum, but she wore her curves really well having a voluptuous hourglass figure going with her big bosom, bottom and her nipped in waist. The fact that she was a very pampered woman helped as well of course. Her greying hair was always painted an ashen blonde colour and permed in a stylish bob. Weekly touch ups and an established routine kept her hair looking perfect at all times, she went to the salon frequent enough for roots to never show. She was actually kind of imposing as well being just as tall as he was. She was slightly taller than the average woman and he slightly smaller than the average man.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2021 ⏰

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