"Took you long enough to get here" she said as she smiled at me.

Whatever happened in the couple of minutes that I left Sadie alone, or if it had something to do with whatever happened this morning or last night

I was just glad that she seemed okay again.

And for now, all I could do was smile at Sadie.

She didn't talk to me for the rest of the day, even while we were sitting beside each other during dinner.

But by almost midnight, and I was headed to the mini bar, I see Sadie already pouring herself a glass.

"We've gotta stop seeing each other like this" Sadie said as soon as she noticed me walk in and took another glass from under the counter, poured scotch into it, and pushed it over to me.

"You okay?" I asked, worried that she might be feeling down again

"Why wouldn't I be? This was the best day I've had in years" Sadie said as she sipped from her glass. I rolled my eyes

"Well, then you're awfully cheery" I said. Sadie smiled as she placed her glass on the countertop.

"After you dropped me off, dad called. He said he talked to one of his lawyer friends here and they will be filing for a new trial tomorrow." Sadie stated, making me smile even more. "The best part is since they already have all the necessary evidence to put him in jail, like they should've done in the first place, there would be less work and I don't have to be here and be asked to recall the night over and over"

She took another sip from her glass with me watching her

"Oh, and I guess the house is already being put on the market. That's all"

I let out a laugh and raised my glass.

"I guess that deserves a celebration then. With a drink" I said "Cheers"

"Cheers" she answered as we clinked our glasses and gulped the contents.

Sadie took the scotch out and poured us another round.

"I ended things with Penelope today" I said as I watched the alcohol fill my glass

"Why'd you do that? Oh no. You just fucked and dumped her! Archie, you asshole!" Sadie rambled before we both let out a laugh "No but really. Why'd you do that?"

I looked up at her, making sure I was staring directly into her eyes and that she was staring directly into mine.

A wise man, who is ironically just Noah, told me to.

"I didn't wanna keep leading her on. Besides," I began "I have my eye on someone else"

Sadie blinked a couple of times, probably registering what I said.

The side of her lip then twitched and formed into a small smile.

I don't know what she understood by what I just said, if she got the hint that I was talking about her or not.

But before we could say anything else, dad beat us to it.

"Guys, come on. By the end of the week the entire collection will be gone" dad said. He looked like shit coming out of his office, to be honest.

Sadie and I glanced at each other, then dad let out a laugh.

"I'm kidding. Enjoy. Drink responsibly" dad said before finally leaving us alone.

Sadie and I looked at each other again before laughing at our weird encounter with dad.

We drank a couple more shots until we both decided to call it a night.

The Best of Us (Stepbrother Series 2)Where stories live. Discover now