Chapter 4 First Date

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Tonight Sean was taking me out on our first date. I'm so excited but even more nervous. What if he changes his mind and leaves me? Wouldn't shock me but still..

I brought him home with me to meet my mother also. I hope she's on her best behaviour..

We walk through the front door hand- in- hand, and find my mother preparing dinner while singing her lungs out. I love my mother but she... Well she can't sing to be honest. I cleared my throat and she looked in our direction. Her eyes went straight to our hands before she lost it,

"Its happening! It's actually freaking happening!! My son has brought home a boy!"

"Muuum.", I whine and my face turns red.

"Oh hush it Alex! I have every right to be proud my son brought home a boy. So I'm Alex's mum but feel free to call me Camren. What's your name dear?"

Sean hasn't stopped smiling the whole time. His smile was so adorable...

"I'm Sean. It's a pleasure to meet you Camren", he says politely and shakes her hand.

"Okay well I have to get ready for our date tonight..", I say and make my way to my room.

"Okay sweetie. Just remember to wrap it up tonight!", she calls from the kitchen.

My face pales as Sean rolls on the floor laughing. Like literally falls in the floor. It wasn't that funny... We finally arrive to my bedroom and I lock the door behind us,

"So where is our date tonight?"

"It's a surprise", Sean says while wiping the tears from his eyes, "You don't have to dress super fancy either. Something casual will do great."

I pout and look through my clothing. Finally deciding on my black ripped skinnies and white t-shirt. I slip into the bathroom to change quickly while Sean changes in my room. I fix my hair before taking a breath and staring at myself. My pale face looks back disapprovingly. I chew a little on my lip ring while I search for hope within my greyish blue eyes. What does he see? Is this gonna be a joke? Does he really want me? I'm really nothing. Why would he? I sigh as tears well up in my eyes. Blinking them away I try to force my jet-black hair into place. Of all the days it would screw up..

There is a faint knock on the door.

"You almost out babe?", Sean calls from the other side. I smile slightly and open the door. Sean's face is stuck in place as his eyes wander over my body. I suddenly feel like he's pointing out every flaw on me. I shake and try to avoid those thoughts. He's dressed in casual grey jeans and some band T-shirt that hugs his torso. Not not mention his ass looks great in his jeans...

"You look stunning, Alex", Sean says breathlessly. I blush slightly,

"No where near compared to you."

We stand there staring for a while before Sean grabs my hand and leads me to the front door.

"I'll be home by 10 mum!", I call with a smile. We rush out to the car and Sean drives off.

"So where are we going?", I ask sweetly.

"I'm not telling you so don't ask.", Sean says and grabs my hand. I roll my eyes and plug up my iPod. I scroll through and my eyes land on a song. I smirk and press play.



Can't stop the tickles.
They call me Dr. Giggles.
It's o-o-o-off the chizzle
Fo' shizzle dizzle
I'm bangin' with the b-o-t-o-dizzle
With wiffles
'Cause I dribble like I'm rubbing on nipples.
Gotta get out the pickle
Make it rain with the ripples.
Let my, candy rum trickle
Get you buzzed with double triples.
Getting head, in rentals
Avoiding the parentals.
This is ghetto, plain and simple
With the down beat tempo.

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