Chapter 3 Confession Time

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We finally arrived to the park and took a seat by the swings.

"So what's wrong?", Sean asks softly. I shigh. How do I tell him this? I mean I actually have a friend, but after this he is sure to leave..

"I don't think it would be a good idea for us to keep haning out..", I say and chew on my lip.

"Well, I didn't think I was that awful to be around.."

"No! No its not you I swear. Its just.. Everyone hates me so tell you the truth. I'm obviously gay and no one seems to approve that.. I just don't want oyu drug down with me. I completely understand if you left too. I know you wouldn't want to be seen with a discrace like me."

Silence. Just silence. I look up at Sean and his face is in pure concentration. I nervously wait fo rhi sresponce, but he doesn't repond. I sigh I shrink back. I knew this would happen. I knew the second he found out, he would- My thoughts are quickly stopped when I feel a pair of lips on mine. I instantly start kissing back as Sean's hands snake around my waist. I pull away as a blush appears across my face.

"I couldn't wait to do that any longer..", Sean says with a smile. My face stays red and I bite my lip,

"So you're not disguested by me?"

"Obviously not if I just kissed you silly."

I smile and hug him tightly,

"Wait you're gay?!"

"I guess? I really don't know. I'm not attracted to any specific gender. If I like a person then I like them."

I nod and cuddle up to him. At lease I have somebody now.

~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~

I walked in the door of my house and saw a note on the counter.

Went to town with some friends be home soon!

I crumple up the note and toss it in the trash. I pull out my phone and scroll through Tumblr. I send a quick message to theunattractivepoet (the guy who I sent a prompt to)

Just checking in to see how the story was coming. :)

Its great! :) do you have any ideas or something you wanna add?

No, nothing I can think of. You're gay right?

Well umm.. I don't classify myself as gay. I just date anyone I'm attracted to. Are you gay?

Yep but I've never dated anyone before and well I just kissed someone today and I'm just so confused about things right now.. Why am I even telling you this? You don't know me or care.. I'm so sorry. I'll let you continue with your normal life.

With that I shut off my phone and started making some dinner. I ate quickly and just lied in my bed. My thoughts swarmed through my head but I didn't focus on anything. I could only think about Sean.

His lips were so rough but so soft against mine. His hands had a tight grip on my hips that kept me planted. I hope I didn't kiss too bad. I've never done that and well it felt amazing. I want it again and again and again..

I sigh and stare at the ceiling. Seconds later my little fur ball is curled up on my stomach. I smile and hold him closely.

"You wanna have a dance party?"



I pushed him off and started blaring my music. I danced around my room crazily for hours until I fell on my bed breathless.

~~ ~~ ~~ ~~

Walking to class the next morning, was dull. I stayed quiet as I watched several people discuss plans for the weekend and prayed I wouldn't be beaten today. My stomach had some nasty bruises.. I get to class and take my normal seat at the back. Sean takes his place beside my shortly after.

"Hey babe", he smiles brightly at me.

"Hi..", I blush and look around, "I told you to stay away.. I don't want you hurt.."

"I'm not worried about them.", he smiles reassuringly. I faintly smile back as class begins.

~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~

At lunch Sean and I sat in the hallway as usual. He kept checking his phone and sighing like he's been doing all day.

"What's the matter?", I ask as I take a bite of my turkey sandwich.

"I was talking to someone last night online. He really had me worried and now he's not responding.."

"What did he say to get you so worried?"

"Something about him not wanting to talk because I didn't care. I've been trying to get ahold of him since last night."

I stare at him and blush a little.

"On Tumblr right..?"

"Yeah, how did you know?"

"You're talking to Lex aren't you?"

"You're starting to sound like a stalker now. Did you just look at my screen or something?"

"I'm Lex.."

He stared at me before we both died laughing.

"I seriously thought you were searching my phone or something!", Sean said when he caught his breath.

"I thought it was strange that you said it but I was like that's me! So you like writing do you? You have some amazing pieces. I love reading them"

"Oh don't get all sappy on me now. Yeah I write all the time but it's nothing great."

"I will slap you. You have amazing stories! I loved the first book you wrote-"

"Trouble in Paradise. (Actually in Hell)?"

"Yes!! The connection between Jason and Nathan had me so giddy throughout the story. I've read it so many times it's crazy."

A blush creeps up Sean's neck and onto his face. Aww how adorable!!

"Th- thanks.."

"That's kinda strange though. Like we met in that abandoned park and then found each other on Tumblr. I actually found you years ago but that's beside the point. What if this was meant to be...?"


We stare at each other and pick at our food. This is amazing but awkward. I'm in love with someone I've idolised. I have never thought of this happening to me. Will this work? Was this fate's plan all along?

~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~

How was is? I think it sucked but I really did try. I'm looking forward to the next couple chapters though!! Oh and I'm not making this very long. Just a few chapters and that's all. Unless I get ideas from you guys or something pops into my mind. Anyway thanks for the very few reads that this had gotten. I know it's not votes or anything but knowing someone is looking at this makes me feel like I'm not completely waisting my time. :)

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