The Adventure

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The day had come. I had to go to a palace and kill someone. I don't even know what my backup plan is. My mother's driver drove me to the palace and drove off. I was questioning on how I was going to get home if he just drove off. I go as according to plan, sneaking to the back and climbing up to the window etc. Well, climbing up the wall to the window was a lot harder than I thought but i managed. I got into his room and right before I grabbed my dagger out from my boot, a guard came out of the shadows and grabbed my arm and held me against the wall.
With his other hand he held a dagger to my throat. He yelled in my face, "who are you!? what are you doing here!" I replied in a snarky way, "Hey! yelling is rude!" and with my other arm that he wasn't holding I looped my arm around his and smacked the dagger out of his hand. he fell to the ground and I kicked him in the nose which made him scream. The prince came into his room and that's when I took the chance to hide. He saw the guard and ran to help. I slipped out the door without noticing. I ran down a really long hallway and heard someone running behind me. I went into a strange room. i turned to face the room and i was facing a man. Suddenly the taste of copper fills my mouth...

Copper? I thought, no not copper...Blood!

I looked down and all i saw was a handle of a sword. I fell to the ground and saw the man towering over me. I could only focus on the pain. nothing else..

i woke up to a little prince giving me a rag to wash away the blood on my stomach. As for my mouth, he gave me a cup of water to rinse and spit out to clean out the blood.
"Why are you being so nice to me?" I asked
"Because you were in pain" he said with a bright smile on his  face.

"Well thank you, you really helped me out." I said while returning the smile.
"What's your name?" He asked curious.
I didn't see a problem with telling him so I just did it without thinking.
"My name is Brooke. What's yours?"
" Mine is Armani, named after my great great grandfather."
"Oh nice." I say uninterested
he looked sad that i was uninterested so he said "its after his middle name! it means warrior!" I still didn't care. There was an awkward pause.

"I like your name" he said looking at me strait in the eyes.

Thoughts continued to roam around my head about how I didn't kill him like mother wnated and wandered if he knew i was trying to kill him. I guess he noticed.

"Hey, what's wrong? Are you okay?" He asked concerned.

 I just started bawling with no good reason. "I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to come in! i was running from someone and he was really scary!" i kept rambling and couldn't stop lying. I truly WAS scared but i couldn't tell him the truth on why.

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