♡ 12/8/2021 ♡

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I'm pretty conflicted right now.

I'll start off with some good news, before I get into the main event of today. I've been practicing Confectiokinesis, and I actually got my first result today (although it didn't go as intended). My mom happened to have been making cookies while I was at school. Of course, I decided it would be a good time to practice. I bit into the cookie to get a taste of what it was like before I manipulated it. Then, I tried making it sweeter, since it felt a tad bit bitter. I just ended up amplifying the bitter taste, but at least I got SOME result.

Now, the main problem: it's actually involving the MPA.

They're finally acknowledging all of the reports on kidnappings and disappearances of Mythicals in schools. However, they're ignoring some of the details, and immediately assuming AWTOK is behind all of the cases. Based on what I've experienced, it's more likely to be the MHO, and other, smaller hunting organizations. In fact, I don't think AWTOK is involved in these cases at all: they are involved in something else I've been researching, but that's for another day.

They're planning on going to battle with AWTOK sometime in January. They want to storm one of their bases, and it frustrates me that they're not considering certain things.

What about all the Mythicals trapped there? Are we going to set them free? Can we even stand up against all of the advanced technology AWTOK has? Are we prepared? Will humans notice the battle in any way? What about Mythicals after this war is initiated? Have we forgotten about "the Safe Place"? Why initiate war when we can just bring Mythicals to safety without causing issues?

I have so many questions in my mind.

♤Alice Voltaire's Journal♤《PART ONE》{Previously "A Nekomimi's Diary"}Where stories live. Discover now