The End (TW for mentions of SA)

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Hey guys! With the whole thing that's going on right now involving with Josh and the Livie fandom, I've decided to end this book here. Look, I know that this started as a HSMTMTS rant book, but right now, the show isn't live, most of the rants I have now in my head are about the people who are attacking Josh, and I don't think that this rant book should be completely heavily negative. However, I still might watch season three, for the cast's sake. I highly doubt I'll make that second rant book, like I said. But I'm pretty much distant from the fandom (beside like, the RJ, Gina, and Ricky sides of the fandom) and I just think that this fandom and show is no longer fun with toxic fans within it. 

I promise that I'm not completely HSMTMTS oriented. I'm currently developing a oneshots book full of all of my oneshots from many fandoms that I'm a part of (mainly just Marvel) so I'm not gonna be gone completely. I'll also be developing a MCU rant book soon, so look out for that. 

By the way, since I'm here, I'm just gonna post my final rant: making fun of anyone's SA experience, let alone a celeb's, doesn't make you quirky. It's not "dark humor." It's not funny. It doesn't make you attractive or cool. If you think that you're not going to affect anyone for saying those horrible things about Josh, you're sadly mistaken. This isn't a thing that only one person goes through. Millions of people go through this, MEN INCLUDED. So, don't you dare think that just because he is a man, doesn't mean he can't be affected. He was FIVE. Kid was barely in school when it started and people want to make fun of that. Have compassion for the guy. He's not asking for attention or money or anything. He's asking for one thing and one thing only: to set. him. free. So do that for him; it's not that hard.

As for Olivia, I can't sit around and try to give her the benefit of the doubt anymore. If you let your fans say and do this, then that's on you. You could've stopped this about, what will be almost a year ago (crazy to even say this right now). I'm done. I've been trying to be nice, but I literally can't anymore. It was bad before, but this is much bigger than Josh, her, and the fans. This is affecting other SA survivors. And the fact that she won't take a couple of seconds of her time to talk at least about this topic and that he has to fight this battle by himself (not really because he has his fans, but still) makes me sick. Her fans are the problem and I feel like Olivia's the solution, but she's not doing anything. And if that's the case, then I won't support that. It was bad before when it came to the death threats and the terrible jokes, but when it's involving SA, she just chooses to stay publicly silent. As a woman, that makes me terribly sick in the stomach. She used to be my hero and she was literally a good chunk of my childhood. However, this kills me and I can't stand for this at all. 

Sometimes the best parts of your childhood have to die.

Anyways, I hope that if any of my rants stick to anyone who read this rant book, this is the one. And to those male survivors out there (and survivors in general), don't see the way people are talking about Josh and think that your experience is invalid. It's valid, just like his and you deserve to speak your truth without hate or threats from people. 

Okay, I love you guys. This is Ty signing out 


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