☀ ~ I feel ashamed for no technical reason

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Okay, so today, I was already having a pretty awful day. My bestie wasn't here today, my other bestie has been too busy to talk to (mind y'all, she doesn't go to my school), and I realized that I only have mutual friends at my school and none of them are my genuine friends (minus the bestie that wasn't at school today). So pretty bad day overall today.

But then, last period really solidified that.

As y'all know, I am a pretty big fan of Josh but I don't publicly say I like him for obvious reasons. Most of the people at my school who know of him know him for the wrong reasons. I've already gotten hate for liking him online and I did not want to get hate at school either. But I do have him as my Google background for my computer because I want something personalized on my school computer (my school locks it down so it doesn't function like a typical computer). One of my classmates, the only I knew that knew Josh before the whole drama noticed my background.

"Is that Joshua Bassett?" She asks.

I nod, assuming that she wouldn't really care. Mind you, I always loved this classmate because we had a similar mind of thinking.

But not when it came to Josh, because next minute she begins judging me saying "how could you like him after what he did to Olivia?"

Now, I've never said I hated Olivia nor did I say I condone any of the actions he allegedly did. However, as I explained to her, they're celebs and idgaf about their love life. Unless someone abused, rape, sexually assaulted, or cheated (with actual receipts, not song lyrics), then I'm not gonna care if a couple breaks up.

Now, this conversation led to me saying, "why does it matter that I like him?"

She says, "Nah, I'm still judging you."

Now, if this person finds this account somehow (highly doubt it since I literally have four followers), I'm not attacking you and I know "it's not that deep," something I know you love to say. But you haven't been harassed before for liking an artist, at least I pray you haven't. You haven't been sent death threats because you like an artist and you definitely haven't questioned your morals because of it. From how I'm looking at it, this man hasn't done anything wrong yet (there was that f slur thing but since then, he's been a strong advocate for LGBTQ+ right; actions speak louder than words in my eyes). And real quick, "Lie Lie Lie" was already supposed to release that day before Liv announced "Driver's License" and the song was written before he even met the chick.

Anyways, I'm back in my July 2020 mindset. I might continue this rant book, but this interaction brought back all of my negative experiences involving people who can't mind their business with celebs and people who can't just do a simple Google.

And btw, if I post another chap tomorrow, that last paragraph doesn't matter.

𝐀𝐥𝐦𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐓𝐨𝐠𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 · HSMTMTS [DISCONTINUED]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz