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MISSY AND MARNIE STORMED UP THE STAIRS TO THE COMMON ROOM. They were fuming. Missy was a lot angrier about the situation than Marnie. She was angry at Nas as well but the way she looked at it was that if Nas was leaving them to look cool with her school friends, then I suppose her true colours were shown. She didn't have time for fake friends at this age, she were Year 12, she didn't get upset about that shit anymore.

"Why are you not fuming?! How dare she?!" Missy screeched, the sides of her hair swinging on the sides of her face with every foot she stomped. She was so offended.

"She'll quickly realise they're not her friends and then she'll feel the punishment," the girl mumbled, eating one of the bacon-shaped crisps. Oh yeah, when Nas came running back, Marnie would be the first to stop her from acting all bestie-bestie. You made the bed, you lie in it.

She followed her into the room where the majority of the 6th formers were sat, eating their lunch. Missy spitefully greeted her old school friends purposely in front of Nas before taking a seat on the sofa with her and her snake friends whilst Marnie decided to stand so she could throw the packet of crisps into the bin and sit down to enjoy the other she'd originally brought for lunch after.
Missy made a joke about 'what was so good about the common room anyway' because she didn't get to use it 'cause she was repeating the year below, but the joke didn't land and the clique of mean girls simply blinked in response which left Nas to explain that Missy was, in fact, the same age as them. Marnie tried not to cringe at the exchange and turned her head to the side whilst prepping her leg over the back of the sofa so she were slightly sitting down on it. It was just too cringe for her.

However, her back facing the direction of the table of boys behind them gave the perfect opportunity for one to pinch up the back of her blazer and expose the prominent curve of her rear-end through her school skirt. "Oi, oi, give 'us a show."

Marnie's hand immediately snatched to boy's hand which she yanked from her coat, sending him the death stare as all his friends erupted in laughter. It irked her irritation more. "Piss off, Cory!"

God, did she hate this first day.

"Teachers'll be well pleased seeing me talking to you lot. Ain't that the point of this school? To make us all friends?" Missy tried to give the friendship another go as she threw her arms behind the back of the sofa.

Alya just glanced back at Missy; acting like she was so much better than her; pretending she was too good for Missy to be talking to her, and it boiled her blood. "You're real nice you!" She shot down at her, "loving your friends, Nas. Not prejudiced or nothing."

Even Marnie, who was on Missy's side on everything, had to lean back against the seat behind her with her hand on her eyes to hide from the idiotic comment. She was just making Alya look smart, weren't she? "Please." The Pakistani girl scoffed, looking to her friends to see if they caught the dumb comment.

"Just a bitch then?" Missy snapped.

"Missy," Nas interjected.

Missy was stunned her friend didn't take her side. "What?!" Nas was seriously scolding her mate for sticking up for herself? From her friends?! When she realised her friend wasn't so pleased with her, she grabbed her bag and left, causing all eyes to watch the blonde with a messy bun leave.

Marnie's eyes were burning in the back of Nas's head for her to say something, and the girl knew it. "She's alright y'know. You just gotta give her a chance."

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