Chapter 2

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I arrived at class but was stopped by a teacher.
"Why are you late to my lesson Thomas." Said miss puffy. I couldnt tell her the truth and shes my favourite teacher after all.
"Oh I just.. had to go the the bathroom." I said nervously.
She looked at me and sighed.
"Take a seat and we will begin."
I sat down with a thump and began opening my book. I love english and reading, mostly reading because I can explore a world through books! Hours pass and the class was dismissed. I walked out the class and headed my way to the library. I love the library, so many books and genres to explore! I walked in the aisles smelling the old book smell, it smelt like heaven.
I looked for a table and saw a boy who had brown hair and a green button up shirt.
"Mind if I sit here?" I said to the small boy.
"Oh.. sure." He said as I sat down and opend my book. I looked at what he was reading and my jaw dropped. He was reading DnD the classic heroic game with fantcicys and dragons!
"Is that DnD your reading?" I asked as he looked up
He smiled and said "yeah it is! You know about it?"
"Of course I do! It's the best game and book ever!" I exclaimed cheerfully.
We both grinned as we both talked about it which felt ages. The bell rang as we packed up to leave.
"I'm tubbo by the way." He said with a warm smile.
"Im tommy it was great to seeing you"
We both went to our lessons and we had pe (oh god this will be a nightmare..)
We went to the changing rooms and got dressed. (It smelt disgusting) and headed our way to the field.
I saw dream, gorge and snap nap chatting. As long as I ignore them I'll be fine.
Dream, sapnap and gorge cheered and yelling because they love football.
I never played football in my life so this will be an experience..
Me and tubbo made our way to get a football while techno makes us into groups.
"OKAY I WANT TOMMY, TUBBO, RANBOO, PURPLED AND FUNDY ON THIS SIDE!" Techno yelled as we shuffled into a group.
"AND DREAM, GORGE, SAPNAP, QUAKITY AND KARL TO GO AGAINTS THIS TEAM." Techno orderd. Oh boy.. this will not end well.

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