~Chapter 1~

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As Tommy arrived at school he made his way through the hallway to his locker without being seen by dream. Dream is a dick he will physically and mentally hurt tommy just for the sake of it! Tommy was at his locker putting his books in the locker *phew at least he hasn't got me* he thought to himself. As he made his way to his class he saw dream and his mates at the end of the hallway.
"Shit." Tommy said he was screwed. Sapnap saw tommy and smirked.
"Hey dream look at what we have here!" Sapnap said. Dream turned his head to tommy his green emerald eyes gleaned into tommy soul as he mocked tommy. Sapnap and gorge joined in as they all laughed and crackled.
"Just ignore them. Just ignore them tommy" mumbled tommy as he quickly shuffled pass them, head facing the floor.
He finally reached his class and sat down. He had to learn about the periodic table how boring he thought. An hour passed by as he walked to his 2nd period. When walking to second period he had to pass the gym where dream hangs out. Dream always skips classes because he couldnt care less. Tommy opend the gyms door and made his way across the polished floor but was stopped by a boy who had brown hair and glasses that shined and reflects.
"Haha look at you! You look like a state! How on earth can you go to school dressing like that?!"

Of course it was gorge. The gossip person who dates dream. Gorge is somebody everybody falls for. And is always beside dream either making out or just chatting.

Tommy tried to walk pass them as they stepped infront of tommy.
"Stop it gorge." Tommy said to gorge. Normally tommy dosnt stand up from his bullies but in this moment he has.
Gorge flustered as they hate being told what to do.
"You will pay for this tommy, I'll get dream on you!" Gorge yelled as tommy exit the gym in a hurry. Anxiety builds up as dream will be  after tommy and he will be late for class.

Dream smp HighschoolOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant