Chapter 9: The Fallen's Return

Start from the beginning

After a few minutes of Sam quarreling with his parents about his safety, the teens had gotten inside Athena, while the parents got inside Bumblebee.  They drove off in separate directions while Cyberchip, who was now online, flew above Athena to back her up for safety.  As they got closer to their destination, they saw that there were more decepticons in the area, fighting with other Autobots.  As Cyberchip got a closer look, she saw Ratchet, Ironhide, the Arcee twins, and a lot of decepticons that she recognized from her decepticon days.  As she looked around, she saw a figure underneath a tarp, and she only knew one bot that had a body shaped like that.  She landed near Optimus Prime, and vowed to the soldiers near him that she would protect him while they fight.  She looked around the area, and hoped that Athena and the 2 humans were alright.  Meanwhile with the white Camaro, Sam had finally seen a few soldiers, and when they noticed him, they were yelling at him to go over to Captain Lennox, who could be seen in the middle of the war-midst town.  As Athena slowed down a bit to not run over anyone, she had to zig zag through the small buildings, because the decepticons started shooting at her.  As she looked to her side, she saw Megatron aiming a cannon at her, and she decided to transform and throw the two humans softly towards Lennox before they got hit by Megatron.  As the decepticon leader had shot at her, she was hit in the helm and almost knocked out.  But she got up and started running towards the area of where Optimus was.  (Yeah, Cyberchip had sent a comm-link to her about their whereabouts, sorry I didn't put that in.)

Sam and Mikaela, after being thrown without warning, crawled closer to Lennox as he told them to hide in the shadows.  As they went quiet, they heard a rumbling from underneath them, and as they look up, a scorpion decepticon had launched out of the sand and almost landed on them.  But Jetfire had come out of no where and grabbed the decepticon and smashed it into a wall, killing it.  "Where is Optimus?" Sam screamed at Lennox.  As he pointed over to the tarp that Cyberchip was guarding, Lennox asked, "You sure you can bring him back?!  That just looks like a hopeless pile of metal to me!"  "Yeah, I can do it, just you wait." Sam yelled back.  As Sam had dashed out without warning, Lennox yelled at him to come back.  Then the unimaginable happened.  The soldiers and Mikaela watched as Megatron had shot his cannon towards Sam, and Sam went flying through the air as the ground beneath him exploded.  "Sam!" Mikaela screamed as Sam's lifeless body flew threw the air before landing on the ground.  Hearing Mikaela's pained scream, Sam's parents ran through the battle field to reach their child, crying while trying to get past the soldiers that were holding them back.  Bumblebee felt his world crumble apart as he saw the soldiers doing their best to get Sam back to life.  Cyberchip felt lubricant around her eyes as Athena wrapped her servos around her.  Everything seemed hopeless now.

After a few minutes of everyone despairing, Sam had suddenly breathed in harshly as though he came from the depths of water, desperate for air.  It was a miracle, impossible to be honest.  Mikaela wrapped her arms around her boyfriend as she cried in relief of his revival.  And another miracle, the Matrix was now in it's original shape and they were very certain of Optimus's revival.  Everyone felt tension in the air as Sam climbed on top of the Prime and stood on his chest plate.  And as though there was no tomorrow, Sam yelled and plunged the Matrix into the Prime's dead spark.  With the impact, Optimus had started coughing, and was now revived.  The Camaro twins were hugging each other as they celebrated their leader's revival.  "Boy, you cam back for me..." said Optimus, facing Sam.  "A living Prime!  I don't believe it!" said Jetfire in the back ground.  But all good things come to an end, as a decepticon famously known as the Fallen, had teleported onto Optimus, pushing him down with his ped.  Then, without warning, snatched the Matrix from the Prime and leapt into the air as he teleported to a nearby pyramid with the sun-destroying machine peeking out of it.  They all watched as the far away figure had evidently started the machine.  The Autobot leader, still being weak, didn't know what to do, until Jetfire spoke up.  "All my life, I've done nothing useful until now.  Optimus, take my parts, and you will feel a power you have never felt before." he said as he ripped out his own spark.  The autobot medics of the team had immediately jumped into action as they quickly operated a transplant.  Now, fully decked with armor, Optimus Prime was ready to fight, as he flew into the air and flew off to the pyramid for the final battle.  "We need to back up Optimus!  Bring in all the weapons and tanks we have, we're gonna need that fire power!" yelled Lennox to the remaining soldiers.

Athena and Cyberchip were watching as the soldiers went from here to there, there to here, carrying guns and hand bombs, driving tanks or looking around.  Seeing this, Bumblebee had walked over to hang out with them before going back into battle.  "So are you guys ... conjunx ... endura ... yet?" he had asked out of the blue.  Athena, who was having her own energon ration that was given to her, started coughing from embarrassment.  Cyberchip only looked at him with a blank look, and said, "No, I don't think Athena really wants that."  :Bull-Fucking-Shit: thought Bumblebee as he shot a glare at his sister.  These two were blind as that one fish that Sam had talked about once.  "Well then ... how about you?  Do you ... want it?" he asked Cyberchip.  Bumblebee listened as her vents quietly kicked on and went silent.  :Yeah, okay they like each other, just too blind and shy to see it...:  "Thank me later ... Athena." he said.  As Athena gave him a confused looked, Bumblebee said, "Well ... I know my sister like I know my own mind ... and she does ... want it."  This caused Athena to act like she was having a seizure trying to quiet him.  But it was already revealed, as Cyberchip was taking her time to process it.  "And I take it ... that you like ... my sister too ... right?" he had asked her.  As she looked away, she nodded slowly.  To this, Athena had suddenly gone quiet and rigid, staring that the Predacon.  Just as Athena tried to say something, Lennox came by and said, "Alright, you bots ready for the battle?"  Athena looked down on him, and slowly nodded before standing up and walking away.  Bee looked from her to Cyberchip and said, "I bet that she ... will ask sometime ... soon."  Cyberchip's vents were evidently still running as she looked away in embarrassment.


With the remaining Autobots in the front lines, and soldiers behind them, they surrounded the pyramid of where Optimus was flying around, shooting at the machine.  They watched as one of his shots had hid the machine, disabling it.  This had made the Fallen very angry, as he teleported to Optimus and launched him to the ground.  Right as it looked like he would crash, the Prime managed to swerve upward, and avoid serious damage and continue fighting with the Fallen.  Not wanting to be a nuisance to their master, Megatron and Starscream avoided joining the fight.  While fighting, the Fallen had used his powers to lift up a few of the tanks nearby and hurl them at Optimus.  Knowing that he wouldn't be able to save the humans inside, he knocked away the tank so it wouldn't be in his way of killing the enemy.  As Optimus grabbed the Fallen's ped, he threw him into a building, which somehow weakened the Fallen.  (I mean like, he's made of metal, I don't understand how a stone fucking wall would take most of his energy.  OH AND HERE COMES THE FAMOUS LINE!)  "Give me your face!" growls the Prime as he plunges his sword into the Fallen and raises it, ripping the decepticon in half.  "One shall stand," say Optimus Prime, standing up, "and one shall fall..."  It was over, the Fallen was now dead, and the Autobots prevailed 'til the end.  Cheers could be heard all around as people celebrated the victory.  In the sky, two jets could be seen, retreating to safety.  Sam was smiling, the Fallen had died, but this doesn't mean that the fight was over.  This was just one battle in a major war.  But that didn't matter.  He would continue to battle with Autobots, even if it meant he wasn't normal.  I mean, what other human has actually came back from the dead?

2431 WORDS!  CAN YOU BELIEVE IT?!  BECAUSE I SURE CAN'T!  I was just expecting myself to do like a thousand something, but this is the most I have ever written before!  I really hope you enjoyed it, because I sure did.  I also just realized, I FINISHED THE SECOND MOVIE PORTION!  ONTO 'Dark of the Moon' WE GO!  Thank you all so much for reading this cringe book, I really really really really appreciate it!  As for my 2 OCs, I will confirm this much.  THEY WILL BE CONJUNX ENDURA IN THE THIRD MOVIE PORTION.  I'm really excited and happy that I have come this far.  For any readers that have done more that this, sure, it may seem like a minor accomplishment, but to me, it's the start of a whole new world.  Once again, thank you all so much, I am really happy about this.  See you guys in the next chapter then!

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