"Don't worry about it," Draco told him, Harry kept looking at him confused, "Just eat," Draco told him and Harry decided to just do that, he knew Draco wasn't going to tell him the truth so there was no point in dragging the conversation along,

Harry ate more quickly as he checked the time, they really needed to get to school, He could just imagine the conversation with Herminone for ditching class, "We should get going," Harry told Draco as they got up and Harry hurried to the front desk to pay, beating Draco because he guessed Draco had the idea to race him, Harry smirked as Draco shook his head but he also had a smirk on his face as he walked out of the cafe.


When they got to school, It was lunch time, Harry decided to change before class and Draco decided he should do the same. When he got to class he saw Ron sitting on his bed and he looked like he had been waiting for him,

"Finally back from the night with Malfoy?" Ron stood up, "Did you enjoy your first time at a bar?" Harry could sense a certain tension between them,

"It was an interesting experience," Harry chuckled as he looked around the room and saw the large pile of presents he would have to find places for them later,

"But why Malfoy?" Ron asked and Harry shook his head, "Why have you been hanging out so much with him when you barely have spoken to me or Hermione?" Ron spat causing Harry to freeze,

"Draco needs a friend," Harry stated, "And I'm sorry but I didn't want to third wheel you and Hermione," Harry told him,

"Since when did you call Malfoy by his first name?" Ron asked and Harry shrugged, "Do you remember all the shitty things he has done? You shouldn't be friends with him,"

"I can be friends with whomever I want, Thanks," Harry told him with fiery, "And Draco has changed since the war, we all have," Harry told him,

"Bullshit!" Ron suddenly yelled, "He is still the same pretending to be your friend, for all we know he could be using you to get information from you!" Ron sneered and Harry couldn't believe what he was hearing,

"No, He isn't!" Harry denied, "Draco is trying to become a good person and you would know that if you paid attention!" Harry yelled back,

"He bulled us for years, He called Hermione a mugblood, Or have you forgotten?" Ron spat, "I think he blinded you,"

"He was trying to please his father," Harry shook his head, "All he has ever known is getting approval from him and he is finally making choices for himself, He has changed whether you want to see it or not," Harry told him but Ron's venom expression stayed the same, "I'm going to go, Enjoy your night," Harry shook his head as he grabbed his school bag and walked out not waiting to see if Ron had anything else to say.


"Harry? What are you doing here?" Draco looked confused as he held the door open, "Did something happen?" Draco sounded worried,

"Ron and I had a argument, Can I stay here for the night?" Harry asked, Draco hesitated for a moment before stepping aside and letting him in,

"Sure," Draco answered, Harry smiled as he walked in, "What was the argument about?" Draco asked,

"It isn't important," Harry sighed, He knew explained what went on wouldn't be a good idea and might make Draco regret letting him in,

"I'd say it was important if you felt the need to leave," Draco rolled his eyes as he sat down on his bed, "Was it about me?" Draco looked away,

"Don't worry about it," Harry told him, "Really, It isn't important,"

"So it was about me," Draco sighed, "Just the fact that you aren't denying it is enough to clarify that I'm right, Weasley thinks I'm still the same git, it's understandable, Y'know, I haven't exactly apologized to them," Draco had his gaze set to the floor of his room,

"That can be your first step in showing them that you are a different person," Harry told him, "Not that I'm forcing you to apologize or anything, You can do this at your own pace but nobody will believe it until you convince them," Harry met Draco's glance,

"How will I even approach them?" Draco shook his head, "Nobody wants me around, I bloody well deserve it too," Draco huffed, Harry sat his school bag down and sat next to him,

"Just find the right time," Harry told him, "You will get there," Harry tried to encourage him, "You know, Last year when I was forced to go to my relatives, Dudley my cousin, someone who loved to torment me and remind me everyday that I wasn't special actually stunned me and apologized to me saying I wasn't a waste of space, It took me a while but I forgave him, He was taught to hate me by my uncle Vernon it is like being taught that certain people aren't equal, so I forgave him, even the worst of people can apologize and then it's like they weren't that bad at all," Harry explained,

"That's because you have a good heart," Draco sighed, "Some people can only see the bad in someone and not take a step back and see that the person can change, I doubt anyone will believe me, I was on the bad side for so long," Draco looked away from him again,

"But in the end you were good, That has to amount for something, Draco," Harry told him, "You were obeying your parents, You longed for acceptance that is understandable, Don't cut yourself short,"

"How can you be so positive?" Draco asked him, "After everything that you have went through, How do you do it?"

"I have no idea," Harry shrugged, "We should head to class," Harry suggested and Draco nodded as they got up and headed out.

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