Rich Mans Chess

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young men that follow orders
for a bullet through the brain
to line the rich mans pockets
just a pawn for their sick games
depopulate a country
its the common folk who fall
do you fight for queen and country
or for gold and drugs and oil
do u believe you fight for freedom
when you're always over seas
when your family hardly sees you
does it feel like you are free
when your laying six feet under
just another sacrifice
another child born to a soldier
never got to see your eyes
while the rich who you still fight for
tuck their kids in every night
as they read a bed time story
yours dont know if you're alive
does this sound to you like freedom
when you're punished if u flee
when the guilt attacks ur conscience
when the truth you start to see
the only reason that you're fighting
is so the common folk will bleed
world wide depopulation
war brings us too our knees

VERSES FROM BENEATH THE VEIL vol 2Where stories live. Discover now