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Create a virus spread with ease
build a new world with disease
To bring the nations to their knees
lock them down and up the gs
blame the Money dirty notes
stained in blood now void of hope
invent a vaccine mixed with lies
insert the chip enslave mankind
we gave our freedoms over night
for fear that this would end our lives
They made us believe our demise lay
in the freedoms we just threw away
I refuse to die a worthless slave
stand up now we are the change
I refuse to see my kids as slaves
dreaming of their yesterdays
no cash to pay for mortals sins
see where you go and who you've seen
what you say and to whom you speak
all desires of which you seek
no wings to fly across the world
grounded like a wingless bird
the strong now weak the weak lay dead
just like the mad man always said

VERSES FROM BENEATH THE VEIL vol 2Where stories live. Discover now