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Freddy's PoV

Me Chica and Foxy went to the mall today to buy some important stuff

We were done on groceries But.......
Chica doing her thing with beauty and lipstick and you know those stuff

"God chica why do you need alot of lipsticks you already have 6 back home why did you bought another one?"I said frustrated

"Hey!This one is for backup" Chica Exclaimed

"Okay then im gonna put our groceries and stuff on the car. Why dont you guys find a place to eat while i place our belonging on the trunk?" I said

"Okay sure ill call ya fred if we found something" Foxy said

I head to the parkinhlot with a lot of things on me and place it all in the trunk then i saw something odd a guy with a hoddie and black everything weird must be a teenager

Then i saw he has a gun i immediately called foxy

"Hello fred" Foxy answered

"Foxy i saw a guy with black clothes he has a gun" I said

"Oh no right we will go there right now
To the car its not safe in here.Fred get in the car and wait for us okay?" Foxy said

"Okay got it" I replied

Bonnie's PoV

i looked at some clothes and bought it

I grabbed a black hoodie with purple on the side and some shoes that is black with purple now it matches

I went outside and sneaked i climbed above the mall and planted a bomb their i already planted severalbinside

I went down and went to the parking lot i saw the same police that hunted me and is warning a guy with a black hoodie i smirked they annouced it on the security guard and people started running i need to act fast i run aswell and got to the edge of the parking lot far from the radius

I already planted so much on that mall then i count to 3

Freddy's PoV

I saw them they went to me and we drove off


We are now leaving the mall


We got to the main exit but then


The mall exploded we looked behind us and fear i imediately drove away us possible we got away before something happens to us

Throught the way it was silent

We arrived back home and we all process what happened

"That person that exploded the mall must be the same person that robbed that cafe" I said remembering what happened before

"What?" Both of then looked at ms

"Freddy what does he look like does he have all black clothes" Foxy asked

"Yeah he was wearing all black clothes its hard to spot him at night" I replied

"Oh my god it has to be the same person" Chica said

"What will we do?"I askes

"Well ill tell our chief that you are the one that witness the person entering the mall" Foxy replied

I was about to say something until

My brothers calling

"Hey" I said

"Fred weren't you foxy and chica were at the mall earlier?" Golden asked

"Yeah" I replied

"Did you guys witness everything?" Golden asked

"Yes we did we even saw the person walk in the mall before the entire thing happened" I replied

"Ok tommorow go to the police station with foxy you will be apart of the witnesses freddy also me and spring bon will probably stay at you and chica and springs place cause christmas is coming soon so we will spend the time in one house for an entire 3 weeks is that cool

"Sure knock yourselves out" I replied

"Alright thanks bro we will be arriving tommorow alright" He replied

"Sure" i said

"Come lets get some sleep today's been wild" Foxy said

"Yeah goodnight guys" Chica said

"Goodnight" Me and Foxy said

Bonnie's PoV

The smell of fear this will show i am not weak i was never weak ill show all of you i am not weak

I sit down at the rooftop watching the mall on fire i went back to my garage and then someone was waiting infront of my garage

"Impressive im not gonna lie a bouty on your head and you killed 40 people in one day single handlly is very impressive for someone like you" the person said

"Who are you" I asked

"Oh the names William Afton.
One of the most wanted criminals in this town"He said

"What do you want from me"I asked

"Want from you didnt i already tell you?" He said

"I want you to join my crew we would make everyone in fear and rob steal anything we want and even maybe if your interested some cars" he explained

"Here's my card call me if you've made a desicion" he added

I look at the card and look back where he was he was gone

I went inside the abandoned garage and reloaded my gun

I take a moment to take a breath
I grabbed the card and called the number

"Hey william im in" I said

You Don't Belong Here (Freddy x SuicidalBonnie)Where stories live. Discover now