8.Do not tell

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Freddy's PoV(Sunday)

"I woke up and i saw bonnie sleeping and snuggeled up on my chest. He looks so peacefull and happy when he is with me"

"I thought of foxy what happens if foxy will find out that me and bonnie are dating he wouldn't be happy"

I look over at bonnie and he looks so cute i kissed him on the forehead and went to the kitchen to go get some breakfast. I went there and i saw ShaFred probably off to go to work

"Hey ShaFred off to work?"Shafred looked at me

"Freddy while in the middle of the night i can hear you and Bonnie Making out red didn't hear it thought" ShaFred said and has a smirk on his face. I was shocked he heard our moans and screams"

"There's nothing to be ashamed of having sex with someone but if i we'ee you just tone it down a bit or else mom and dad wouldn't like those" i nodded

"Alright Fred in off to work see you later this afternoon" Shafred said before he left to work

"I made sone pancakes for me and bonnie and golden and some cereal for red i went to red's room and i knocked on the door and no responce i unlocked the door and he was still asleep with the lights turned off i wake him up for him to eat his breakfast"

"Red.. wake up red its morning eat your food now while its not yet soggy "i said to red while goving him his cereal

"I then went to Goldem's room and he is asleep as ussual i woke him up and gaved him the pancakes"

"Hey um Fred i can hear you and Bonnie last night moaning and saying sex stuff" golden said smirking

"I know" I said

"Did you two had fun ahahaha"Goldrn said teasing me

"Just don't tell anyone not even chica spring mistky foxy alright?" I said to Golden

"Yeah sure" Golden said

"I then went to my room and saw bonnie just woke up"

"Hey Bonnie i made you some pancakes for the two of us here's some fork" i said while handing bonnie one fork and we both ate at my bedroom. After we ate our breakfast i hugged bonnie and we both cuddled

"Bon let's not tell the others about our relationship foxy might get mad when he saw us dating"

"Alright fred i wont tell"

"Hey um wanna go have some fun you know watch movies go to the park play with red and play sone video games?"

"Of sure remember today at 6pm you need to drive me back to my apartment cause we have school tommorow"

"Oh yeah...i just really wished we just live next to each other"

"Fred we already live close"

"I know like i just wished you we were together in one place"

"Mmm i think that might be possible let's just contanct our shadow brothers and see if they aggreed"

"Hey ShaFred can you also get Shabon on the call"

"Hang on"

"Yes Freddy"

"Well me and Bonnie we're thinking of living in just one house if that would be great"I said to Shabon and ShaFred

"We could but are you sure like we won't we get on your privacy and do you guys even have enought rooms and what about you and ShaFred's parents you need their permission remember to do this things"Shabon said concerned

"They don't even live in this house they have a house but they come here every monday, wednesday and thursday," I said clearly

"For me i am down Fred" ShaBon said

"Bonnie are you down?" I said to Bonnnie

"I am"Bonnie said in a clear and straght tone

"im down" Shafred Said

"Well guess were gonna live together then"

"Ill contact mom and dad about this Hopefully they agree"ShaFred said

"After our shift me and ShaFred will pack Me and Bonnies and Ben's stuff to ShaFred's house alright? Bonnie will stay there have fun you two" Shabon said before ending the call

"Well we can now have fun together first lets inform red that ben is coming over" I said while going to red's room

"I went to red's room and knocked on the door"

"Door's open" red said

"Hey um ben's coming over and he is going to live here now

"He looked shocked and yet happy"

"well thank you for that"red said and i left the room

I went over to the living room and me and bonnie watched some movies

"After for a while bonnie felt a bit sleepy so i grabbed some blanket from my room i then covered bonnie and placed bonnie's head on my lap i then felt a bit sleepy so i stoped the movie and turned of the movie. I went back to the couch and grabbed bonnie and placed him on top of me and covered my self with the blanket also and grabbed the pillow and we both sleep in the couch."

(Yes its netflix shut up )

Shabon's PoV

We just arrived at ShaFred's house with all me Bonnie's and ben's stuff ben is with us in the car. As ShaFred parked the Vehicle at the garage.We grabbed some of our luggage and went to the front door. Me ben and ShaFred saw Bonnie sleeping on the couch on top of freddy sleeping together with a blanket covering both of them."

"Heh im gonna take a picture of this and keep it heheheh" i said while grabbing my phone

"They look so cute together" Ben said

"Golden and Red went to the living room and saw bonni and freddy aswell"

"Both of them look so cute together" Golden said

"Yeah they made out last night they we're probably having sex they had a fun time"ShaFred said

"Wait really?"Shabon said

"Yeah they we're both very loud"ShaFred said

"Anyways let's un pack our luggage"ShaBon said

Bonnie's PoV

"I woke up to the sound of Shabon moving our luggage i got up and saw iw as sleeping in freddy's chest. I went to ShaBon and he looked at me.

"Oh bonnie your awake anyways me and Sha Fred will be sharing rooms ben and red will be sharing and im guessing you and freddy aswell." I nodded in responce. I then grabbed my stuff and put them in freddy's room."

I unpacked while i was unpacking. I saw freddy at the door be saw me and helped me with my stuff and after we unpacked. Freddy pinned me onthe bed and kissed me roughly and then we heard a knock on our door it was Golden and he said"

"Not the time for another make out session."Golden said teasing us

"We kissed one more time and went to the kitchen to eat dinner .Then we went to The pc and watch some youtube for awhile. Then we start to get a bit sleepy we turn off the pc and went to sleep."

This one is shorter than the other mainly cause its 3am now

1192 words

You Don't Belong Here (Freddy x SuicidalBonnie)Where stories live. Discover now