1.Fazbear University

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(Fazbear University is not related to Freddy or any shape or form it is just a name not part of Freddy's family history)

??? PoV
""It was very dark at night i saw that. I had so much bruises and wounds on me it hurts me more is that im running in a forest but why. Why am i running who am i running from there must be an explaination. But then i tripped on a branch and fell down on the dirt ny clothes is dirty by now i kept on running and running then i saw someone in the cliff a Guy with blue eyes and the other person has red coat and yellow eyes they were looking at each other by the side of the cliff i kept looking at them but then i was pushed and my hands was tied the 2 i was punched in the face then"

"I woke from what seems and looks to be a Nightmare that i coudn't forget yet it confuses me the most.
I went back to bed just to rest its still early in the moening so i have time to rest.

Then 6am came i immediately take a shower and prepare everything i need for college right after my lovely shower i downstairs and i was greated by my father in the couch sleeping whilst the T.V. remote is beside him the tv is still on im not gonna turn it off cause it might bother him. I sneakily went to the kitchen and started to make some cereal and trying hard not to wake my Father on the couch clearly asleep

After i ate my breakfast i tiptoed back to mt room and got ready for college it was nearly 7am so i quickly went outside and walked to the the university luckily it starts at 8am i so i still have an a hour and 10 minutes so during my walk i went to the nearest cafe nervously

"Hi welcome to starbucks"

I went to the cashier to order some caffe'misto

"Oh i want some caffe'misto"

"Alright name please?"

"Oh...u.um B-bonnie"

"Alright it will be ready in a few minutes.

I simply nod in responce

I looked around at the place and it looks so dark a bit and i love it

"Bonnie here's your coffee"

I quicly grabed my coffee and paid for it and left the cafe i then got to school with 45 minutes to spare.

I finished my drink and throw it to a nearby trashbin.

I got inside and saw alot of students in tbe hallway that are locked eyes on me as i go on and walked past the hall way and i immediately walked to the principal office.

(I dont live in the US but my friend does so i know some of the school system in US if i made a mistake im sorry im foreign and i dont know)

"Hi how may i help you dear?"

"Oh..u.um.. im the new s-student"

"Oh I see welcome to our University have anyone has given you a insight of our policies to our University?"

"Not at the moment"

"Well i see here i will gove you our policies in this paper and give you your assigned time table aswell have a great time Mr. Bunny"

(I do know in university's principal's are called dean but im not yet sure about that so ill stick with principal for now)

"We hope you enjoy your experience in this university "

"I got out of the office checked my time table and immediately went up to the 2nd floor for my Favorite subject Calculus (Math)

(alright sercastic bunny)

"I went to the room and saw that their is a one empty seat on the right middle side just near the exit i went to it sat down alot of the students are talking to each others in groups i just used my hoodie and read a book"

"One of the students that is next to me has a yellow clothing shirt and a purple eyes that has a bib it says "let's eat" i looked at her once. I immediately got back to my book and then she looked at me and smiled"

"Hi sweet heart"


"Oh my god you look so cute"

"I looked at her confused" 

"Oh my name is Chica by the way"

"Im B-Bonnie"

"Ohh Bonnie okay wanna seat with me and my friends later when lunch came by"

I nodded

"Hello students welcome and some of you welcome back i am professor Natan".

(I wanted to do Proffesor Heighmerdinger so badly from League of Legends and Arcane xD)

"I want you guys to open your textbooks and do the following"

*Time skippy*

"During lunch she grabbed my arm" and dragged me along towards cafateria. I swear to god people think we are dating cause of the way she is dragging me"

I saw 4 people one of them has golden hair the other one is a bunny like me but it has a dark green hair
And the other is red and the last one has brown hair and ice'y blue eyes.

"Hi Guys" Chica said

"Hey Chica" said the Dark green haired boy

"Oh i want you guys to meet my new friend Bonnie say hi to them Bonnie" Chica said

"Oh..um.H-hi im B-bonnie"

"Bonnie The golden haired boy is Golden The dark green haired boy is Springtrap the Red haired boy is Foxy Fransworth and last is brown haired boy is Freddy Fazbear the son of the owner of the university.

"Hehe yep i am" Freddy said

Somehow Freddy's voice and his blue eyes it looks mesmerising it loos si beautiful you can stare at it for a while and get lost its like being hypnotized

"Bon... Bonnie Earth to Bonnie" you alright?" Chica said

"Oh uh yes i am fine just spaced out"

And we ate our lunch i just keep staring at Freddy and he didnt even notice it wait what am i doing this is gay im not gay why am i doing this my parents will kill me if they found out im gay
Just then its now time to go back to class.

(Wow this took way too long hope you guys loved it i will do the keep up the uploads i have no school it just ended few days ago so i am very available)

(Some of you may ask are they animatronics no there animals but can do human stuff and where clothes
Like zootopia like that)


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