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Ignore the mistakes


December 14th, 17 more days until Tae's birthday , and press conference days.

Jeongguk sits there with a whole bunch of cameras in his face, some flashing on him, microphone in his hand as Chungha sits on his left along with her parents, and his parents on his right.

They ask all of their questions toward the others, all of them talking about the marriage, talking about the benefits, until they get to him.

"Jeon Jeongguk, are you excited to marry the love of your life?" Jeongguk furrowed his eyebrows and chuckles, "No, I'm not."

There were a few gasps, flashes getting faster, and glares coming from Chungha, his parents, and the Lee's all glare at him.

He's nervous, but he knows he has to do this. He has to let the public know that this is all a contract, he doesn't want this, and it's illegal.

A different reporter speaks up, "Mr.Jeon, why do you say that?"

"Because this marriage is a illegal contract made by my dad. I already love someone else, I've loved that someone since my college days. But I won't mention their name. I'm taking everyone who was involved in this contract to court and sueing." Jeongguk revealed.

Jeongguk knows that Taehyung is watching. He doesn't know how he's feeling, if he's nervous, or happy that Jeongguk is doing this. But all he knows is that Taehyung is witnessing Jeongguk finally shutting it down and doing what he needs to do.

"Sir, can I ask if you ever were interested or loved Chungha?" A reporter asked.

"I never did love her and never will be interested in her either. I want to break the contract on the marriage." Jeongguk cringed at that question. But someone was pissed at what he said. Chungha gets up with a loud screech of her chair, quickly walking backstage with curse words spewing out her mouth.

The Lee's glared at him deeply and left after their daughter. But Jeongguk's parents were livid.

"Shut everything down....Right now!" Sangyeol yells, Jeongguk not being fazed one bit.


"What the fuck was that, Jeon Jeongguk?!" Chaeseul shouted, pointing to where they were just seated at.

"It was the truth. That's what that was." Jeongguk responded. His parents didn't like that he messed up their money deal. And he couldn't care less about it.

"Jeongguk, you ruined something that was going so well!" Sangyeol was screaming at this point, face extremely red as his eyes pierce into Jeongguk's soul.

"Nothing was going well since college. You knew from the start that I didn't want this, nor did I even sign the contract. And you knew that I was already in a relationship!"

"With a Kim!" Chaeseul yells.

"Oh? Is that what this whole thing is about? You ruined this whole marriage because you're still messing around with that...Kim!?" His father questioned.

"I said it at the conference, didn't I? And I wanted to end this whole illegal shit because I want to be free from your latches and be with Taehyung. And it'll come soon." Jeongguk retorted.

He starts to walk away from his parents that went silent, "You'll get sued and stripped away from the company very soon." Jeongguk ended the argument with those last words, walking out the venue with a swift beating heart and a deep sigh.

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