Chapter 18

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Trying to play therapeutic music in the car irritated Jac, they were driving through the streets and she glanced over to the dashboard before noticing Kian's petrol light was on red, she glared at him annoyed that he had forgotten to fill up the bloody car, he had one job. Jac was gripping onto his hand and he swore she was trying to break it to prove a point that she was annoyed at him for some reason or another. Kian was trying to calm her down but she was in agony and he didn't know what to do, he was worried about the petrol and he was worried about not making it to the hospital and with Jac trying her best not to scream the car down in pain because she didn't want to seem like the stereotypical mum to be in labour he was trying not to lose his mind.

"What do you think you're doing?!" she exclaims noticing Kian pull over "Don't bloody pull over!"

"I'm out of petrol, unless you can magic some petrol out of thin air be my guest Naylor" he rolls his eyes ringing an ambulance, Jac just tries to regulate her breathing "Good keep breathing-"

"Shut up Kian!" she snaps and Kian scrolls his eyes "Oh my god, this bloody hurts-"

"How far apart are the contractions?" Kian questions holding the phone to his ear, Jac glares at him

"Like less than five minutes Kian" she whispers and Kian nods slowly walking away from her to speak on the phone "Kian, please"

"Alright!" he exclaims opening the passenger door, he takes her seat belt off and she grips onto his hand "I'm here, ok?"

"Ok" she breathes out before groaning at the searing pain in her abdomen "I am never, ever getting pregnant again!"

"Jac you need to tell me how you feel ok?" he whispers and Jac nods tiredly closing her eyes "The ambulance is coming, do you need to push, just speak to me?"

"I just feel a lot of pressure" she whimpers and Kian nods slowly, he helps take her shoes off "Oh my god! Kian...Kian it much"

"I know it does I know," he says and she groans gripping onto his hand "Ow! Jac...ow, you're hurting me, get your nails out of my skin-"

"Shut the hell up Kian how dare you mention you're in pain when I am going through this!" she snaps and Kian groans in annoyance trying to bite his tongue "This is your fault-"

"It takes two to tango Naylor" he mutters and she feels his hand reach for her leggings

"Uh what do you think you're doing!" she cries out in exasperation and Kian frowns "You are not going anywhere near me-"

"Jac, I need to check to see what's happening, the ambulance has a delay ok?" he tries to reason with her and with that Jac eventually relented and let him help her "Right do you have any hand sanitiser-"

"In my bag" she points to it and Kian rummages through the bag and pulls it out "If you dare even think about shoving two fingers up me I swear to god Kian-"

"Oh shut up, I've had other things up you and my fingers before we start the avoidance of the situation" he snaps back at her causing her to sigh dramatically "Right, I'm going to push this seat back ok?"

"Whatever Kian" she mutters as he moves the seat back so she was lying down slightly "I'll tear more if I'm lying down-"

"What do you want me to do then?" he questions her kind of irritated at how annoying she was being, she groans slightly and takes his hand

"No, don't you dare even think about it!" she snaps and Kian sighs in annoyance, he wanted to help her but she was pushing him away "I need to push"

"Are you sure?"

"Are you seriously asking me that?!" she questions and Kian sighs "Help me sit up, get the blanket from the back of the car-"

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