Chapter 15

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"This one"

"No that's boring" Kian complains, Jac looks at him folding her arms across her chest which accentuated her bump even more causing a soft smile to display on his face "Come on at least add a little bit of colour-"

"But..." she trails off and sighs going to pick up a baby pink colour, the lightest one there "That's it, that's all you're getting out of me"

"Ok then, I guess that will have to do" he tilts his head to the side and Jac smiles linking her arm through his as they walk through the shop they were in revelling in the fact things were falling into place...


It had been a long day shopping and she was pretty tired, Kian fed her and treated her as if she was a child which irritated her but either way she knew he was just trying to look after her. She was sitting in the rocking chair that was in the spare bedroom as she watched Kian paint the spare room the pink colour they picked out, tilting her head to the side, she was unsure whether she actually like it or not but the more the pain was lathered and spread across the walls the more she fell in love with the idea of having a more colourful nursery than she thought she wanted. The furniture would be arriving next week at some point so she had ordered Kian to do this knowing they needed to start getting prepared.

"What do you think?" Kian questions and Jac hums and nods at him "Like it?"

"Surprisingly, yes" she laughs and grins at him "Are you ok putting the furniture together then?"

"Of course, I want to be involved, no backing out" he kisses her softly on the forehead before kissing her on the lips "Are you ok?"

"Hmm yeah just things are starting to sink in a bit more now" she laughs exasperatedly and Kian runs his fingers through her hair "Everything will be fine"

"Yeah, I hope so" she nods and Kian allows her to wrap her arms around his body "I love you"

"I love you too, both of you"


The way she fell asleep on the sofa made him smile, he draped a blanket over her to give her a little comfort. He watched to make sure she didn't fall, protecting her at all costs because he loved her so much. He went off to collect Emma from her friend's house before returning with her telling her to be quiet because her mum was sleeping so she slipped off upstairs leaving Kian to start on dinner. Eventually, Jac woke and she groaned slightly causing Kian to rush over to her as she stood up noticing she was stretching her back. He kissed her on the lips softly and she huffed in pain causing him to pout his lips at her. After offering to run her a bath which Jac gratefully accepted he continued to make dinner for them both as Emma had already eaten.


"Mhm?" he pokes his head around the door of the bath and Jac groans slightly "Are you ok Jac? You look like you're in pain"

"Well done Einstein" she snaps "Great observation"

"Is it contractions?" he worries and she shakes her head defiantly causing him to sigh in relief "How about I give you a nice back massage after dinner?"

"I'm not really that hungry" she whispers feeling rather uncomfortable causing Kian to bring her in for a hug "I feel rather nauseous actually"

"Alright well, how about you get settled in bed and I will eat down here then join you upstairs later so I don't set off your sickness by forcing you to be around food?"

"Hmm sounds good" she nods tiredly letting out a yawn, she stretches her back "I might start getting the bag ready"

"This soon?" he questions with a frown, Jac nods slowly biting her lip "Why?"

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