♡︎Episode 2 S2

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Taesan:"Despite all the drama with Tae's family, I will say that since the wedding, Tae's mother has been slightly more tolerant towards me, but she still doesn't like me. Not that I expect her to change her mind in the space of the five months me and Tae have been married. But still, it's gonna be awkward to be spending the day with her, even if she is my mother in law."

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Tae lets out a soft sigh and approaches Taesan, while a frown creeps up on her face as she crosses her arms. Pulling her towards him, Tae wraps his arms around her waist.

Taehyung:"San, I know it's been hard. But I really want the two of you to get along. Especially since we're married now. I've spoken to her and she agreed to have a nice day out with you today. What do you say?"

Taesan bites her lip in thought for a moment. She looks up at Tae, only to see his pleading eyes, which makes her let out a sigh.


Taehyung:"Thank you ma belle."

Taesan:"Yeah yeah."

Tae chuckles as pulls Taesan in for a kiss as she smiles.

Taehyung:"You better get ready soon, you're meeting my mum in an hour and she hates lateness."

Taesan:"Now you tell me?!"

Taesan shoves Tae and quickly races towards the bedroom to get herself ready, while Tae lets out a laugh.

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Back over in London, standing by the kitchen sink, Ashlyn softly nods her to the radio music as she washes the dishes; occasionally looking down at her baby bump with a wide smile.

Jungkook:"Morning baby."

Ashlyn:"Morning babe."

Ashlyn softly smiles as Jungkook strolls into the kitchen and wraps his arms around her waist to kiss her cheek.

Jungkook:"Morning to you too baby."

Ashlyn let's out a giggle when Jungkook bends down and kisses Ashlyn's belly multiple times with a smile on his lips.

Ashlyn:"Uh someone forgot to do the dishes last night."

A chuckle leaves Jungkook's lips as he leans back up and glances at the sink full of dishes.

Jungkook:"And someone remembered to do them this morning. Aw I love you baby, you're so sweet."

Ashlyn:"You're so annoying."

Ashlyn giggles as Jungkook smiles with his arms wrapped around her shoulders and a soft kiss placed on her cheek.

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