15. Harmonious Discord

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Tossing and turning around in your new bed, a first night or two in a new environment has never been easy for you.

Turning around to you bedside you glanced up at the clock which read past two in the morning, that resulted in you letting out a small groan and burying you face into your pillow which lacked a homely scent, instead it smelled crisp and brand new right out of a packaging.

And you knew would undoubtedly have a tough day tomorrow at work due to a restless night.

Having had enough you jumped out of bed and made your way downstairs and wandered around the house finally ending up in the kitchen sitting down in one of the chairs and laying down your head on the table as your hair cascaded over your face creating a sheer layer of it's color over your vision.

You hoped you'd at least find some rest even in this position at least if not in your bed.

But you failed as you heard shuffling in the background with the sound of doors opening and closing.

Lifting your head up you turned around to find Han Seok's back turning towards you and the two of you met face to face.

He was holding two bowls and a box of cereal, setting it down on the table placing one of the bowls in front of you and moving away.

Wordlessly you poured out the contents of the box equally in both the bowls by the time he returned with the milk and spoons.

You were in perfect coordination, a beautiful synchronization.
Your movements in harmony yet your hearts at discord.

You took turns filling up your bowls with the milk after he settled down sitting opposite to you.

The occasional clinking of metal spoons against ceramic was the only sounds that made way through the the middle of the night with faint noises of crickets singing, relaxed you a little.

That was until his deep hollow yet soft voice spoke up.

"This feels like the first time we met"

And indeed it did, you only hummed in response agreeing to it.

The scene was a complete parallel to years ago in the college dorms.

It was peaceful and lovely, if only the circumstances were different.


It wasn't until you were walking down the stairs the next morning ready to go to work that Han Seok called you over to the living room to sit down.

An envelope placed on the coffee table in front of you, he only gestured for you to open it.

Confused, you did so not knowing what to expect or more like pretending to, as you had a tiny inkling of what it could be just hoping it wasn't what you thought it was going to be.

And yet, here you were, the color in your face draining as you looked at the documents. You were right and you hated it.

You skimmed through the various pages. They contained details of men and pictures of them. They were assaulted and abused.

You threw the stack back on the table as your gut wrenched in disgust, feeling queasy.

No. It was not because of those pictures that captured the colored bruises and scars.

The name of the assaulter was none other than Min Seong.

"They look real, what a shame! If only they actually were, it would be a solid case and difficult to get out of." You tried to play it cool by leaning back into the pristine couch, folding your arms and swinging one leg over the other, trying to seem as if these papers didn't bother or intimidate you.

And of course he didn't buy one bit of your act, he knew you like the back of his hand, yet you kept the charade on.

Han seok was amused with his little wild card, how ironic as you were just the opposite of it.

He just let out a chuckle.
Maybe he shouldn't have lied to you but he couldn't wait to see your reaction, you were almost his doll, a plaything.

Picking up his brief case and everything he set out for work he took a step but halted to look right at you as if he just remembered something

"Oh wait. Isn't today the day? Tell him hi from me" he smiled and went back on his way.

Your eyes widen with realization as his words sink in and look at the time and rushed back into your room

Shit. You were going to be late

[A/N : heyyy. Haha. Miss me? Yeah well life happened, which I'm done with.  Anyway this is my birthday gift for you guys. I'm still surprised people are reading this! Whyyy but thank you
Ps. Did not proofread]

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2022 ⏰

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