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Nervously standing before the door, I just make sure one more time that there's nothing weird on my face or something, using my phone screen, before ringing at the door.

Only a few seconds later, Lia opens the door, in her cute pyjamas and Christmas socks - as soon as she sees me, she blushes so hard and it is at that moment that I realize how deep into her I was already after only a few months...

... I mean can you blame me? She's adorable.

"L-Leah?" Lia stammers, truly surprised to see me.

"Can I, uh... come in?" I carefully ask, trying my best not to die out of stress. As Lia is just staring at me with her big green eyes, I add after a few seconds: "I mean, we should really talk about what happened yesterday... right?"

"R-right, erm, come in then!"

She opens the door a little bit more, as I make my way inside, removing my coat and hat, looking around: her apartment was quite tiny but very cozy, and her cat she's told me about - Mr Bubble, which is, by the way, a ridiculous name but totally adorable since it's her cat - is currently lying on the couch's covers, staring at me as if I was some kind of intruder (cats, right?).

Lia sits down next to the cat, as I sit across from her, not too far so that our knees touch each other.

"Erm, wanna drink something?"

"Nah, I'm good, I just wanted to talk to you" I say, shyly smiling at her.

"Yeah, you kind of said that already..." Lia gently mocks me, before adding: "I'm all ears then."

Time to shine, Williamson. Remember the 3-points guide to not screw up anything - anything being 1. the secret and 2. things with the girl I really like - because it's important:

A. Don't talk about the secret.

B. Don't say stupid things that could lead her to the secret

C.  Don't jump on her even though you want to - use your words.

Concentrating, I start hesitantly:

"Alright... So, I'm gonna make this simple: I cannot stop thinking about you, and I'm not quite sure why, but it might be related to why we kissed... twice..." there is a long silence, before I finally add: "Erm, this is traditionally the moment when you say something..."

Lia cracks a smile, before she naturally grabs my hands and says:

"I can't stop thinking about you too... for some reason" and, suddenly losing her smile, she asks: "But before we go on with that talk, I'm sorry because I know you don't like to talk about your past, but I've gotta ask: why do you always talk about yourself that badly ? Because I think you're amazing, and it makes me sad..."

Of course we had to have that talk at some point, but I'd lie if I said I expected it to be so soon. 

Just... think ? Or maybe you're too tired to think... maybe for once you can trust someone, right...? No, that wouldn't be fair for Ing and Ale... They did their best to protect you... But Lia is... Lia... Shaking my head, I just close my eyes.

The words that come out of my mouth have been waiting for so long to get out that I immediately started bursting into tears:

"I am the reason Mapi died... (FUCK, FUCK, FUCK, WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?)... I think."

"Why would you say that...?" the brunette asks, still holding my hand, this time a little tighter. 

Setting my jaw, I just speak with my heart:

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