12. No One Loves Me

Start from the beginning

"You've been here for almost two weeks."

Two weeks?

"You're fucking lying! There's no way I've been here for two weeks." I say my breathing slowly picking up. My head is throbbing because of the pain and I have to lay down.

"It's the 31st, tesoro." He says and my eyes shoot open. The funeral was on the 17th. Have I really been here for two weeks?

When he sees the look on my face he continues, "When you got shot, your shock nervings caused your brain to shut down. The doctor said that it was your way of handling the pain. You were in a coma, Isabelle."

"A c-coma?" I stutter out with wide eyes. Milo stands up and removes the covers from me and sticks his hand out.

"Come on, let's go home."

I go to grab his hand but then stop when I remember something. The night before the funeral when he took all his anger out on me. I understood he was upset and I wanted to comfort him in any way that I could but he hurt me. And I don't want to have to deal with that for the rest of my life.

"Where are my parents? I want to go home with them." I demand, retracting my hand. He does the same with his and glares at me.

"I called your father about what happened and you want to know what he said to me? He said that you're not his problem anymore and that if you were to die then he wouldn't give a shit."

"You're lying!" I know that there's a large part of me who actually believes him but my parents couldn't be so cruel. They had to have loved me at one point in their life.

"They didn't even come to visit you once."

"Maybe they came at some point when you weren't here. They had to have visited me. I'm their daughter!" I yell, tears falling down my cheeks.

"I was by your side 24/7. They never showed up." He tells me and then I start to sob. I cover my face with my hands and just lay on the hospital bed letting the tears fall. I'm not loved. I thought my parents loved me but I was wrong.

No one loves me.


It's past midnight and I'm sitting in the cushion chair that's in the corner of my bedroom watching Isabelle sleep.

I take a sip of my scotch and think back to the funeral.

After Isabelle left me to go for a walk, I watched her for a moment before turning back to talk with Liam and few other men. Lucia was playing with her dolls on the grass a few feet away while my parents were talking with my grandmother. Everything was perfectly fine, until it wasn't. All hell broke loose when guns started to go off in all directions. I lost two of my men in an instant. Most of my men pulled their guns out while the others were taking their women to safety.

Their women.

My woman.

I had to find Isabelle.

My father immediately shielded my mother and took her to safety while I was looking for my wife. I kept calling for her while also shooting at the men who were aiming their guns at us. When I finally spotted her, she was running towards Lucia who was being chased by a man. I chased after her and was impressed by how she took down the man, but my heart dropped when I heard a gun go off and saw the blood falling from her stomach.

It was the worst pain that I have ever felt. Worse than when I was fifteen and found my biological parents and they....

I just had to save her.

Those two weeks of her being in a coma were the most painfully long two weeks of my life. I couldn't think. I couldn't eat. I just had to be with her.

My phone going off distracts me from my thoughts and I pull it out to see a text from Liam.

"We have Fedricko locked up."

I grin at my phone but then look back up to my wife to see her peacefully sleeping. She's sleeping on her side facing me and half her hair is covering her face. She looks absolutely and utterly beautiful without even trying.

I send a quick text to Liam before putting my phone away.

"Deal with it. I'm staying with my wife."

I sigh and run my fingers through my hair, chugging the rest of my drink. I try to shake this feeling out of me but it's becoming harder and harder to do. I try to ignore her voice and her annoying way of leaving clothes all over the floor of our bedroom but the feeling won't budge. I curse under my breath and lean against the chair, continuing to watch her sleep.

I think I'm falling in love with her.


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