02. White Looks Good On You

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I walk into the coffee shop and the first person I see is the man who is soon to be my future husband.

Milo Wolfe.

I've heard stories about him when I was a preteen. That his blood isn't of the mafia like the rest of us. How the previous don, Grayson Wolfe, took him under his wing as his own and raised him. I also heard that when he was fifteen that he went to search for his real parents and when he found them, he killed them. At only fifteen years old.

He's ruthless. The rumors say.

He has no heart.

I believe everyone has a heart because how else are we suppose to live? I believe the correct term is soul. Yeah, he doesn't have a soul that's for sure.

Keeping my eyes on Milo as I find a seat across from him and his family, his features immediately tighten in anger like he's infuriated that he even has to share the same space as me.

I'm only eighteen so maybe it's my age that bothers him. But I've heard stories about him with girls. Or should I say women. He's apparently only been with women older than him. This should be new for him considering I'm nine years his junior.

What a laugh this is.

His tan scarred face is tightened and his deep brown eyes bore into my hazel ones. I shuffle in my seat at the uncomfortableness. I don't like the way he's staring at me so I look away in hopes that it'll calm my nerves.

I look towards my father who's looking at Grayson Wolfe, the previous don of the Italian Mafia. My family are associates of sorts in the higher hierarchy for the mafia. Not exactly the leaders, but we run a good portion of things. Hence the reason why I must marry the future don. Combining the two families will make the Mafia secured.

Stupid I know.

I see my father about to speak but before he can get a word out, a woman's voice breaks the silence.

"I found muffins!"

We all turn our head towards the counter where we see a woman with long curly golden hair walking out with muffins in her hand. She's wearing a long light pink dress with...converse? She looks to be in her early or mid forties. I think this is the woman who took care of Milo when he was young. And the one that Grayson Wolfe fell in love with.

The lady stops when she spots all of us.

"Oh! Hi! So glad you can make it, I found some muffins for us considering this whole conversation might make us hungry." She laughs as she walks up to Milo and sits between him and the previous Don.

Grayson Wolfe looks up to her with so much love as he plants a kiss on her forehead. The woman blushes and then hands Milo a muffin. I've never seen Milo smile before, so when I finally see his pearly whites aimed at the woman, my heart skips a beat and my body heats up.

The woman then turns to me and smiles wide like she just saw a puppy.

"Oh gosh you are so pretty!" She sticks her hand out for me to shake, "I'm Amelia Wolfe, Milo's mother." I look to her hand and then to my family because we're not use to such kind gestures. In this line of business, we're raised to be hard minded and not take kindness to heart.

Heir To The Mafia (Milo's Novella) - COMPLETEजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें