"Just the way you two act," Haley said, focusing on where she was walking.

"No, we aren't dating," Emery answered the question, before everyone stopped. Dean and Roy looked like they were about to fight.

"Whatcha doing, Roy?" Dean asked, glaring at the guide. Emery found out his name.

Roy picked up a stick, and stabbed it into the ground. There was the sound of metal against metal, a bear trap snapping shut.

"You should watch where you're stepping," Roy scoffed. "Ranger."

Dean gave Roy's back a bitchface as the older man walked ahead, before turning backwards, stating, "that's a bear trap."

Emery laughed a little too hard. But then again, she was really over-tired, still running on two hours of sleep. Haley caught up with Dean, and seemed to start rambling about something. She then stopped him, and he nodded at Emery and Sam to pass, which they did.

Sam walked close to Emery, the two exchanging a glance as they kept on trekking. They hiked for a bit, before Roy came to stop.

"This is it," he announced, "Black Water Ridge."

"What coordinates are we at?" Sam asked.

Roy dug in his backpack, pulling out a GPS. It made a noise, Roy pushing buttons on it, before announcing, "thirty five at minus one eleven."

Emery and Dean joined Sam, who was a little away from the group. Emery listened, before she came to realize something.

"You hear that?" Dean asked, looking at the two people beside him.

"Yep," Emery mumbled.

"Not even crickets," Sam declared.

"I'm gonna go take a look around," Roy stated, putting the GPS in the inside pocket of his vest.

The three hunters turned to look at him, Dean giving the man the most annoyed face Emery has ever seen him do.

"You shouldn't go off alone," Sam told him, looking back into the woods, where they were previously staring.

"That's sweet," Roy stated. Emery wanted to throttle him right then and there. "Don't worry about me."

With that, he walked between Sam and Dean, the latter giving him a death glare. Emery wanted to give him to the Wendigo personally, but calmed her thoughts. He looked pretty old, so he probably didn't have that much time left to live.

"Alright, everybody stays together," Dean stated with finality in his voice. He raised his eyebrows, questioning if anyone was going to fight him on this. When nobody didn't, he turned around, saying, "let's go," before following Roy.

Emery followed behind him, before they all sorta branched out in groups, looking for stuff that showed where Tommy might be.

"Haley, over here!" Roy called, and the five who were in the vicinity of each other rushed to where his voice was coming from.

They stopped when they got to a clearing. Emery looked around, eyebrows raised. All around the area were tents that were torn up, with some blood splatters staining them. Packs were laying forgotten, and there was a few electronics and other stuff laying scattered around the camp.

"Oh my God," Haley muttered, seemingly shocked.

"Looks like a grizzly," Roy commented and Emery almost throat punched him.

A grizzly wouldn't attack the camp like this. Maybe it would, Emery didn't know much about bears, but she would bet anything that a grizzly wouldn't attack like this.

Tragedy ° DEAN WINCHESTERजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें