"I'm still on my shift, so you need to check on other patients. You can go to Jungkook if you want, he must already be awake." the doctor comments, and the other one just nods, then goes out from Jin's office. 

     Taehyung doesn't understand why he feels so ... agitated. He doesn't understand what the hell is going on with this unpleasant feeling he's had for a few days. It's probably nothing more than the CEO's paranoid mind, but still ... he can't get over this unpleasant feeling, no matter how much he wants to.  But this can't be tied to Jungkook, he'll be fine. He must be fine not matter what. 

     One step and one more. When Taehyung is in front of Jungkook's room, he takes a deep breath, then puts a smile on his face. Whatever happens, he must be strong. For Jungkook, for his angel. He doesn't have to show any other signs of weakness, at least not now, when the bunny boy needs all the support he can get.

     After taking courage and slowly opening the door, the smell of medicine makes him to scratch his nose a little. But then he sees him. The robe he wears is big for his thin body, at his right hand- on his wrist, he has some perfusion connected, and on his face, an oxygen mask. Jungkook probably heard his footsteps, as he slowly removes his mask from his face.

      "Wait, love, you need-"

       "I am ok, Tae." the curvy haired-boy interrupts him, then he looks directly in his eyes. "I am sorry." he whispers after, and the older one frowns, more than just confused. 

    He then sits down on the chair next to the other's bed, and takes his right hand between his. He doesn't like the fact that his angel's hand is so cold, it's so lifeless. But for now, he has to talk about something else.

     "Why are you sorry, love? You did nothing wrong." Taehyung comments and the other one smiles, but behind his smiles, is nothing but just pain.

      "I did something wrong. I was born." the younger one mumbles but the CEO hears anyway, making his heart to ache instantly at this comment.

     "Jungkook!" he raise his voice, but after he takes a deep breath, and close his eyes a couple of seconds. "Kook, why are talking again in this way?" this time his voice is softer, but full somehow broken as well. 

    This shit hurts like crazy. To love someone with all your heart, to give him your soul and everything you have, to cherish him with all your being ... But when it comes to him, to hate himself, to always say that he is a mistake, that it should not have existed. Well, this is another level of suffer. It breaks your heart to pieces, while your soul begins to scream in pain. Because what could be more painful than seeing the love of your life struggling with his own desire to live? 

     "But it's true, Tae. " Jungkook's voice takes the CEO out of meditation, then he looks at him intently. "It would have been better not if I wasn't born in the first place. That way I wouldn't have suffered so much. " he says later and smiles, and once again, Taehyung is totally amazed (this time not in a good way) by his boyfriend.

      How can he say that with a smile on his face? How can he still try to pretend that he is not hurt, that everything is okay, while he is more than destroyed inside? Just how? How strong he can be, or why he must to be so strong?

      "But if you hadn't been born, you wouldn't have met Yoonhyo, you wouldn't have saved him that day, and we wouldn't have known each other, angel." Taehyung says, while Jungkook just looks at him, not knowing what he can answers. "I know, Kook. I know that... the life was awfully unfair, and she still is, with you. I know it seems a lot easier, if you could just ... delete everything, or skip, like a cheap ad. But bun, this is called being alive, breathing. That means being mature, being able to get over the suffering, and no matter how much you fall, getting up from the ground up." the older one continues, and the younger one moves his teary eyes to the ground.

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