Down the Rabbit Hole (Chapter 8)

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This is from Dallas's point of view, thought it would be kind of neat. Enjoy!

Down the Rabbit Hole:

I don't remember how it happened.

I don't remember a lot of things.

One second I was still trapped inside my useless body, the next second it was like I was being yanked in every direction at once.

Then, nothing.

I looked back at my bed, where my body was still lying.

Ruined. Weak.

I remember looking back at it, as if to say, “Are you coming or what?”

But it stayed, its pathetic lungs struggling for air.

The boy who never relied on anything, was relying on machines to keep him alive.

To rely on something put you in a very bad place, my grandma had always said.

Because that 'something' that you rely on, can then be taken from you.



I couldn't see the room around me, although I knew I was at the hospital.

Everything was a thick dense fog, and it choked me.

But it was heaven compared to being in my body for a single second longer.

My body was a coffin.

I was buried alive.

I'd learned to recognize my visitors by their footsteps, although people hardly ever stopped by.

But this time, I immediately knew.

The footsteps were soft and unsure of them self,

shuffling forward, and then back again, as if they couldn't decide whether to enter.


The haze cleared just enough for me to watch her lean over the side of my bed, whispering to the boy who wasn't me.

I wanted to shake her.

Shake her, and scream “I'm over here!”

My mouth moved, my vocal chords strained.


Silence, and the sound of rain.

I was invisible.

I heard her say that she loved me, and I knew I had to try harder.

I hesitantly placed my palm on her cheek, but she didn't even look up.

I tried to tell her I loved her back.

But something went wrong.

Maybe I wasn't supposed to communicate with her.

Maybe that was a rule of the universe, and no one had bothered telling me.


I wasn't in my body, and I wasn't a ghost, but somewhere in between.

I didn't know what was happening to me, but I knew that it hurt.

Hartley was screaming.

I think I was the cause.

The doctors were trying to get me back into my body.

I resisted.

Nurses screamed about stuff like “vital signs” and “defibrillators”

I don't want to go.

In movies, when you die, your heart monitor just flat lines immediately.

My life is not a movie.

This is reality.

And in reality, the peaks and valleys on the screen just get progressively weaker.


And weaker.

Almost to zero.

Then, they kind of slightly flutter back to life.

Then down again.

But its not until after all of that, that finally,

                                                                                                                they flat line.

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